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QPLL-based tuning on AMD ZCU102/ZCU106 devboards ("Light Rabbit")

Frederik Pfautsch (MLE) requested to merge mle/upstream/zcu102 into master


this MR adds a new board, the AMD ZCU102. No further external hardware is needed, the White Rabbit main and helper clock are tuned using the QPLLs of the GTH transceivers (according to XAPP1276 and as presented by us at the 13th White Rabbit Workshop and White Rabbit Collaboration Launch, slides).

This MR mostly introduces new files (the board and top file, as well as files mostly generated by AMD tools/Vivado). Some changes to the Vivado platform were necessary.

Currently, SFP2 (top left) of the four SFP+ ports is being used, however, this has no special relevance and is easily adjustable.

We do not have measured this design in-depth in regards to phase noise, etc. and would appreciate any results being shared with us. However, we think supporting a commonly available, off the shelf platform lowers the barrier to get started with White Rabbit significantly. Some few, simple jitter and frequency stability measurements by us looked very promising.

Some basic measurements (with thanks to our friends at the University Ulm): 2024-03-15_ZCU102_10M_fft_db.pdf 2024-03-15_ZCU102_WRS_TIE.pdf

You can find the matching firmware here: wrpc-sw!24 (merged)

2025-02-18: Updated with support for the ZCU106 (obsoletes !24 (closed)) and XM105 FMC cards. Also rebased to current master development branch.

Edited by Frederik Pfautsch (MLE)

Merge request reports