... | ... | @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ The tests that we expect the WR Switch to pass are listed below. There is a numb |
|SMG_014 |Verify that the boundary clock in MASTER state moves to DISABLED state when PTP is disabled at port. | both| passed |passed |
|SMG_015 | Verify that the boundary clock in SLAVE state moves to FAULTY state when a fault is detected.|both |**failed** | passed|
|SMG_016 | Verify that the boundary clock in MASTER state moves to FAULTY state when a fault is detected.|both |**failed** |passed |
|SMG_018 |Verify that the boundary clock in FAULTY state moves to DISABLED state when PTP is disabled at port. |both | aborted | passed|
|SMG_018 |Verify that the boundary clock in FAULTY state moves to DISABLED state when PTP is disabled at port. |both | **aborted** | passed|
|SMG_019 |Verify that the boundary clock in DISABLED state moves to the LISTENING state when PTP is enabled at port. |both |passed |passed |
... | ... | |