... | ... | @@ -5,6 +5,13 @@ |
- [CERN](http://public.web.cern.ch/public/)
- Seismic measurements (M.Guinchard, Nov-Dec.2015)
- *As it was plan in the best schedule, the first set of
vibration measurements was performed this afternoon
during core drilling operation at point 1. We took
measurements for several depths 10,20,30,40,50 and 60m.
Seismic sensors connected to spectrum analyzer in UJ16
were perfectly synchronized with the same equipments at
the surface thanks to BE-CO team. (12 Nov. 2015)*
- General Machine Timing system upgrade in the Antiproton
Decelerator and the ELENA ring (Jean-Claude Bau, January 2013)
- BTrain upgrade: a system to distribute the value of the bending
... | ... | @@ -662,5 +669,5 @@ and a successful one. (EH, The Netherlands, 13/10/2015) |
9 November 2015
13 November 2015