... | ... | @@ -345,15 +345,21 @@ |
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (Oct 2012)
- Target and instrument control
- [Cosylab](http://cosylab.com/) WR timing system test, Slovenia
- [ELI-ALPS](http://www.eli-alps.hu/?q=en)
- laser research facility. Testing ease of use and accuracy. (Feb
- [ELI-ALPS](http://www.eli-alps.hu/?q=en), Hungary
- laser research facility. Testing ease of use and accuracy.
(Kiss, Feb 2015)
- have 3 switches, a GPS reference and FMC cards.
- Plan to use White Rabbit in order to serve a common timestamps
for the whole facility - except for the lasers, which need a
femtosecond level synchronization.
- [ELI: Electronic Timing System (ETS) at Facility
- [ELI-BEAMS](http://www.eli-beams.eu/), Czech Republic
- evaluate WR as a potential facility level electronic timing
- have 2 switches, 2 SPEC cards with DIO and Fine Delay FMCs to do
jitter measurements (Bastl, Apr.2015)
- interested in Micro TCA platform for control system
- [ESRF](http://www.esrf.eu), France
- Upgrade program of it's storage ring. First analysis of several
existing systems is done and arrived to the conclusion that, at
... | ... | @@ -536,5 +542,5 @@ choose White Rabbit as a main time distribution system. (JINR, 7/10/14) |
28 April 2015
29 April 2015