... | ... | @@ -312,6 +312,14 @@ |
over the Ethernet synchronously with a subnanosecond accuracy.
- Evalutating WR cores: Y.Kozhevnikov and PhD student
- [SKA - Square Kilometre Array](http://skatelescope.org).
- The dish receivers have to maintain coherence - which means
phase stability to an equivalent rms of 1 ps over time scales of
10-15 mins. This can be done by using go and return signals on
optical fibre. In addition time at the dishes and stations need
to be known to a few ns. The latter could be done by a network
of GPS receivers, NPT or White Rabbit. White Rabbit looks good
in terms of cost/performance.
... | ... | @@ -430,5 +438,5 @@ Jim Truchard, president NI , 9/8/14) |
15 September 2014
18 September 2014