... | ... | @@ -136,8 +136,20 @@ fixed latency. This streaming facility is a building brick of a system |
that distributes the value of a magnetic field in CERN accelerators.
This talk explains the WR Streamers, their integration into your design
and their applications. The demonstration will illustrate how the WR
Streamers are used at
Streamers are used at CERN.
### Advanced diagnostics in a WR network
White Rabbit is an expansion of a regular Ethernet network. The same way
you can diagnose off-the-shelf Ethernet switches and routers using a
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), you can also diagnose timing
and data problems in your WR network. In this talk we will describe
various SNMP objects that are exported by WR switches and WR nodes as
well as how they can be analysed using Icinga (an open-source SNMP
manager) to ensure correct operation of the network. Finally, we will
emulate various failures that may occur in a typical WR installation,
show how these can be detected and
### How to use the WR PTP Core to make your own WR nodes, advanced concepts
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