... | ... | @@ -133,7 +133,12 @@ demonstrate how the deterministic message transport latency works. |
#### MIMO systems
This presentation will focus on the WR network operating at CERN for
exchanging trigger pulses between a set of geographically distributed
instruments responsible for beam instability diagnostics in the LHC. The
system features low\&fixed latency message distribution and can be
easily tailored to custom requirements. Presentation will be followed by
a demo of a small trigger distribution network.
#### Distributes oscilloscopes using WR
... | ... | @@ -159,6 +164,15 @@ This talk explains the WR Streamers, their integration into your design |
and their applications. The demonstration will illustrate how the WR
Streamers are used at CERN.
### Phase-compensated distribution of RF signals using WR (with demo)
Every node in a WR network is provided with a phase-aligned 125 MHz
reference. Having same reference clock phase everywhere enables
distribution of Radio Frequency clocks and other RF signals through
Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS). This talk will focus on a WR-based RF
distribution system capable of efficiently handling modulated RF
signals. A live demo will follow.
### Advanced diagnostics in a WR network
White Rabbit is an expansion of a regular Ethernet network. The same way
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