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USB ADC 3k 12b 4ch DAC 3k 10b 2ch dio 8ch
Project description
USB-controlled data acquisition and instrument controller, 4 analog
inputs, 2 analog outputs, 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs. ADC
maximum sampling rate of 3000 samples per seconds in continuous
streaming mode. On-board averaging at up to 50000 samples per seconds.
Available in 3 versions: bare PC Board (OEM version), encased with BNC
connectors, encased with Terminal Block connection (see
Main Features
4 Analog inputs single-ended
- 0V to 5.00V
- 12 bit precision
- 3000 Samples / sec (Single Channel)
- On-board averaging at up to 50,000 Samples / sec
2 Analog outputs
- 0V to 4.0V (10mV to 4.08V)
- 1/1000 precision
- 20 Hz Full Amplitude Modulation MAX (dV/dt ~ 6.8V/msec)
- 3000 updates / sec
4 Digital Inputs
- 0V / 5V (Protected up to 100V)
- 3000 updates / sec
- 10 kOhm impedance
4 Digital Outputs
- 0V / 5V
- 3000 updates / sec
- 20mA / channel, 200mA total
- Unprotected
No additional power supply needed (powered from USB)
Project information
- user manual
- Official production documentation: see under Documents.
- Hardware
- Software
- Frequently Asked Questions
Commercial producers
- Online at []
General question about project
- Email us:
Date | Event |
June 2012 | Start of Project |
10 August 2012 | Successfully tested DAC on breadboard with Propeller |
17 October 2012 | First implementation of PC code with firmware |
18 December 2012 | Completed initial schematics |
30 January 2013 | Tested First Prototype hardware with code |
7 April 2013 | Second Revision of Prototype hardware validated |
30 May 2013 | Successfully tested all functions of hardware and software |
3 August 2013 | Defined new transmission protocol for increased sampling rate |
1 April 2014 | Selected name for marketing DataSpider, and set-up website |
12 August 2014 | Validated new software version with increased sampling rate |
14 October 2014