Commit 641ff1f1 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

tools: added userspace tool (svec-config) for configuring VME via sysfs

parent 94674ffb
# Copyright (C) 2013 CERN (
# Author: Tomasz Wlostowski <>
# Released according to the GNU GPL, version 2 or any later version
# svec-config: a userspace utility for configuring VME interface
# of SVEC (Simple VME FMC carrier) boards.
import glob
import sys
import getopt
import os
def write_sysfs(lun, attr, value):
f=open("/sys/bus/vme/devices/svec.%d/%s" % (lun, attr),"w")
f.write(str(value) + "\n");
def read_sysfs(lun, attr):
f=open("/sys/bus/vme/devices/svec.%d/%s" % (lun, attr),"r")
rv = int(,0);
return rv
class SVEC:
def __init__(self,lun):
self.lun = lun
def read_config(self):
self.conf_valid = True
self.conf_updated = False
self.slot = read_sysfs(self.lun, "slot")
self.vme_base = read_sysfs(self.lun, "vme_base")
if(self.vme_base == 0xffffffff):
self.conf_valid = 0
self.vme_size = read_sysfs(self.lun, "vme_size")
self.vme_am = read_sysfs(self.lun, "vme_am")
self.interrupt_vector = read_sysfs(self.lun, "interrupt_vector")
if(self.interrupt_vector == 0xffffffff):
self.conf_valid = 0
self.interrupt_level = read_sysfs(self.lun, "interrupt_level")
self.use_fmc = read_sysfs(self.lun, "use_fmc")
def set_am(self, am):
if(am == "A24"):
self.vme_am = 0x39
elif(am == "A32"):
self.vme_am = 0x09
raise Exception("unsupported address modifier: %s" % am)
self.conf_updated = True
def set_size(self, size):
if( size <= 0x10000 or size > 0x1000000 ):
raise Exception("VME window size out of range")
self.vme_size = size
self.conf_updated = True
def set_base(self, base):
if( base < 0x0 or base > 0xfffe0000 ):
raise Exception("VME window base out of range")
self.vme_base = base
self.conf_updated = True
def set_vector(self, v):
if( v < 0x0 or v > 0xff ):
raise Exception("VME interrupt vector out of range")
self.interrupt_vector = v
self.conf_updated = True
def set_level(self, l):
if( l < 0x0 or l > 0x7 ):
raise Exception("VME interrupt level out of range")
self.interrupt_level = l
self.conf_updated = True
def enable_fmcs(self, e):
self.use_fmc = e
self.conf_updated = True
def commit(self):
if not self.conf_updated:
return # nothing changed, nothing to commit
write_sysfs(self.lun, "vme_base", "0x%08x" % self.vme_base)
write_sysfs(self.lun, "vme_size", "0x%08x" % self.vme_size)
write_sysfs(self.lun, "vme_am", "0x%02x" % self.vme_am)
write_sysfs(self.lun, "interrupt_vector", "0x%02x" % self.interrupt_vector)
write_sysfs(self.lun, "interrupt_level", "%d" % self.interrupt_level)
write_sysfs(self.lun, "use_fmc", "%d" % self.use_fmc)
write_sysfs(self.lun, "configured", "1") # commit new config!
def __str__(self):
am_map = {0x9 : "A32", 0x39 : "A24" }
s = "svec.%d: slot %d, " % (self.lun, self.slot)
if(not self.conf_valid):
s += "VME unconfigured"
return s
s += am_map[self.vme_am];
s += ", 0x%08x-0x%08x, vector 0x%x, level %d" % (self.vme_base, self.vme_base + self.vme_size - 1, self.interrupt_vector, self.interrupt_level)
if (self.use_fmc == 0):
s += " (FMC drivers disabled)"
return s
def find_svecs():
for p in glob.glob("/sys/bus/vme/devices/svec.*"):
lun = int(p.split('.')[1])
cards.append ( SVEC(lun ))
def dump_svecs():
print("%d card(s) found:" % len(cards))
for c in cards:
def find_card(lun, slot):
if(lun == None and slot == None):
raise Exception("need either LUN or slot number")
for c in cards:
if(c.lun == lun or c.slot == slot):
return c
raise Exception("no card matching LUN/slot found")
def __main__():
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hlu:s:a:b:f:w:k:v:')
if len(optlist) == 0:
print("usage: %s [-h] [-l] [-u lun] [-s slot] [-a am] [-b base] [-w size] [-v vector] [-k level] [-f enable]" % sys.argv[0])
return 0
for o,a in optlist:
if(o == "-h"):
print("svec-config: a tool for configuring VME interface of SVEC cards")
print("usage: %s [-h] [-l] [-u lun] [-s slot] [-a am] [-b base] [-w size] [-v vector] [-k level] [-f enable]" % sys.argv[0])
print(" -h: prints this message")
print(" -l: lists all SVECs in the system")
print(" -u: specifies the LUN of the card to be configured")
print(" -s: specifies the slot of the card to be configured")
print(" -a modifier: specifies the address modifier to use (A24 or A32)")
print(" -b address: specifies the VME base address")
print(" -w size: specifies the VME window size")
print(" -v vector: specifies the VME interrupt vector")
print(" -k level: specifies the VME interrupt level")
print(" -f enable: enables/disables probing FMC kernel drivers for given carrier\n")
return 0
elif (o == "-u"):
card = find_card(int(a,0), None)
elif (o == "-s"):
card = find_card(None, int(a,0))
elif (o == "-a"):
elif (o == "-w"):
card.set_size(int(a, 0))
elif (o == "-b"):
card.set_base(int(a, 0))
elif (o == "-v"):
elif (o == "-k"):
elif (o == "-f"):
card.enable_fmcs(int(a, 0))
elif (o == "-l"):
return 0
print("Error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1])
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