... | ... | @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ SPEC7. |
#### NIKHEF/JRP, CERN: as high-precision PCIe and stand-alone White Rabbit design
\* Aim: White Rabbit node with target frequency instability of 1e-13
over 100 sec.
\* Aim: new PCIe FMC carrier that is optimised as White Rabbit node with
a target frequency instability of 1e-13 over 100 sec.
\* Users will be first: research institutes and metrology institutes
with the aim to disseminate UTC from metrology partners to European
... | ... | @@ -32,12 +32,16 @@ timing performance. |
\* Priority
1. optimise for performance
- Try out ideas of presentation [*High quality standard standard
2. (cost)
#### CERN: as SPEC replacement
\* Aim: smooth replacement of existing SPEC that is a cheap FMC carrier
with WR support.
\* Aim: smooth replacement of existing SPEC that is a cheap *Simple FMC
carrier with WR support*.
* The existing SPEC with WRS are the two flagship OH projects and the
SPEC7 therefore may not fail as project.
... | ... | @@ -95,8 +99,8 @@ alternative. |
- cf.
on SPEC: (~84 Euro without STEP pricing)
- 8 GTX Transceivers max (4 used for PCIe, 2 for SFP, *only 2
left for FMC*).
- 8 GTX Transceivers max (4 used for PCIe, 1 for SFP, *only 3
left for FMC and SATA*).
- A 70T in FBG484 package cannot be used as has only 4 GTX
Transceivers (No need to check if can be used on
footprint of FBG676)
... | ... | @@ -116,6 +120,7 @@ alternative. |
- [XC7A100T-2FGG676C](https://www.eciaauthorized.com/en/search/XC7A100T-2FGG676C)
(~180 Euro)
- FBG484 package allows only 4 GTX transceivers (x1 PCIe?).
<!-- end list -->
... | ... | @@ -200,6 +205,12 @@ alternative. |
Quite handy if you have a WRPC gui and other logic in your FPGA.
### SATA
- Proposed Xilinx has only 8 GTX Transceivers max (4 used for PCIe, 1
for SFP, *only 3 left for FMC and SATA*), so should not have SATA
### PCB
- 10 layer PCB so that layout can be optimised for low-jitter
... | ... | @@ -251,5 +262,5 @@ Some extra's that were on our list: |
24 January 2018
25 January 2018