... | @@ -181,70 +181,26 @@ board*](https://www.ohwr.org/project/spec/wiki) (shown)** |
... | @@ -181,70 +181,26 @@ board*](https://www.ohwr.org/project/spec/wiki) (shown)** |
## Status
## Status
| Date | Event |
| -------- | -------- |
<tr class="odd">
| 10-01-2018| Start working on project. Collecting main specifications.|
| 12-01-2018| Main specifications collected. [Discussion points documented](/specgather).|
<td><b> Event </b></td>
| 29-01-2018| Specifications taking shape: <a href="specgather">Specification gathering discussion</a> - a list of wish items & <a href="FeatureAlternatives">Feature Alternatives</a> - boiling down to a few alternatives|
| 07-03-2018| <a href="specgather">Specification gathering discussion</a> and <a href="FeatureAlternatives">Feature Alternatives</a> stabelised.|
<tr class="even">
| 11-05-2018| <a href="https://www.ohwr.org/project/spec7/wikis/Documents/Sundance-review-of-SPEC7-specifications">Specification reviewed</a> by Sundance.|
| 18-05-2018| <a href="FeatureAlternatives">Feature Alternatives</a> clarified at 2-day visit from NIKHEF and Tsinghua University at CERN to result in the [Design specification](DesignSpecification).|
<td>Start working on project. Collecting main specifications.</td>
| 28-05-2018| <a href="DesignSpecification">Design specification</a> reviewed and used in <a href="/wiki#Main-Features">Main Features</a>.<br /> NIKHEF will start designing in June. First prototypes expected by December 2018.|
| 10-07-2018| NIKHEF will first design <a href="https://redmine.nikhef.nl/et/projects/write/wiki/ZYNQ_Phase_Noise_Test_Board">a test board</a> with only XC7Z035 and oscillators (no DDR, no DC/DC) to measure lowest phase noise possible.|
<tr class="odd">
| 25-07-2018| Planning: Dec-18: schematics ready for review. Feb-19: schematics ready, layout start (4 weeks). Production (8 weeks):<br /> Prototype available by end April 2019.|
| 17-09-2018| Added component selection list.|
<td>Main specifications collected. [Discussion points documented](/specgather).</td>
| 30-11-2018| <a href="https://redmine.nikhef.nl/et/projects/write/wiki/ZYNQ_Phase_Noise_Test_Board">Zynq Phase Noise Test Board</a> received.|
| 14-12-2018| First draft of schematics made. Not yet ready for review.|
<tr class="even">
| 30-01-2019| Planned to have schematics ready for review on 15-Feb-19. Layout should start beginning of March.|
| 14-02-2019 | Schematics ready to be reviewed. |
<td>Specifications taking shape: <a href="specgather">Specification gathering discussion</a> - a list of wish items & <a href="FeatureAlternatives">Feature Alternatives</a> - boiling down to a few alternatives</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="specgather">Specification gathering discussion</a> and <a href="FeatureAlternatives">Feature Alternatives</a> stabelised.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="https://www.ohwr.org/project/spec7/wikis/Documents/Sundance-review-of-SPEC7-specifications">Specification reviewed</a> by Sundance.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td><a href="FeatureAlternatives">Feature Alternatives</a> clarified at 2-day visit from NIKHEF and Tsinghua University at CERN to result in the [Design specification](DesignSpecification).</td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="DesignSpecification">Design specification</a> reviewed and used in <a href="/wiki#Main-Features">Main Features</a>.<br />
NIKHEF will start designing in June. First prototypes expected by December 2018.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>NIKHEF will first design <a href="https://redmine.nikhef.nl/et/projects/write/wiki/ZYNQ_Phase_Noise_Test_Board">a test board</a> with only XC7Z035 and oscillators (no DDR, no DC/DC) to measure lowest phase noise possible.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td>Planning: Dec-18: schematics ready for review. Feb-19: schematics ready, layout start (4 weeks). Production (8 weeks):<br />
Prototype available by end April 2019.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>Added component selection list.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td><a href="https://redmine.nikhef.nl/et/projects/write/wiki/ZYNQ_Phase_Noise_Test_Board">Zynq Phase Noise Test Board</a> received.</td>
<tr class="odd">
<td>First draft of schematics made. Not yet ready for review.</td>
<tr class="even">
<td>Planned to have schematics ready for review on 15-Feb-19. Layout should start beginning of March.</td>
30 January 2019
20 February 2019