Commit 6bf7784d authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis Committed by Tristan Gingold

expose WR status and timecode interface

parent 24a9111d
...@@ -262,6 +262,19 @@ entity spec_template_wr is ...@@ -262,6 +262,19 @@ entity spec_template_wr is
wb_eth_master_o : out t_wishbone_master_out; wb_eth_master_o : out t_wishbone_master_out;
wb_eth_master_i : in t_wishbone_master_in := cc_dummy_master_in; wb_eth_master_i : in t_wishbone_master_in := cc_dummy_master_in;
-- Timecode I/F
tm_link_up_o : out std_logic;
tm_time_valid_o : out std_logic;
tm_tai_o : out std_logic_vector(39 downto 0);
tm_cycles_o : out std_logic_vector(27 downto 0);
-- PPS output
pps_p_o : out std_logic;
pps_led_o : out std_logic;
-- Link ok indication
link_ok_o : out std_logic;
-- The wishbone bus from the gennum/host to the application -- The wishbone bus from the gennum/host to the application
-- Addresses 0-0x1fff are not available (used by the carrier). -- Addresses 0-0x1fff are not available (used by the carrier).
-- This is a pipelined wishbone with byte granularity. -- This is a pipelined wishbone with byte granularity.
...@@ -374,9 +387,6 @@ architecture top of spec_template_wr is ...@@ -374,9 +387,6 @@ architecture top of spec_template_wr is
-- LEDs and GPIO -- LEDs and GPIO
signal wrc_abscal_txts_out : std_logic; signal wrc_abscal_txts_out : std_logic;
signal wrc_abscal_rxts_out : std_logic; signal wrc_abscal_rxts_out : std_logic;
signal wrc_pps_out : std_logic;
signal wrc_pps_led : std_logic;
signal wrc_pps_in : std_logic;
attribute keep : string; attribute keep : string;
attribute keep of clk_sys_62m5 : signal is "TRUE"; attribute keep of clk_sys_62m5 : signal is "TRUE";
...@@ -845,9 +855,14 @@ begin -- architecture top ...@@ -845,9 +855,14 @@ begin -- architecture top
abscal_txts_o => wrc_abscal_txts_out, abscal_txts_o => wrc_abscal_txts_out,
abscal_rxts_o => wrc_abscal_rxts_out, abscal_rxts_o => wrc_abscal_rxts_out,
pps_ext_i => wrc_pps_in, tm_link_up_o => tm_link_up_o,
pps_p_o => wrc_pps_out, tm_time_valid_o => tm_time_valid_o,
pps_led_o => wrc_pps_led, tm_tai_o => tm_tai_o,
tm_cycles_o => tm_cycles_o,
pps_p_o => pps_p_o,
pps_led_o => pps_led_o,
link_ok_o => link_ok_o,
led_link_o => led_link_o, led_link_o => led_link_o,
led_act_o => led_act_o); led_act_o => led_act_o);
...@@ -873,8 +888,6 @@ begin -- architecture top ...@@ -873,8 +888,6 @@ begin -- architecture top
eeprom_scl_in <= fmc0_scl_b; eeprom_scl_in <= fmc0_scl_b;
end generate; end generate;
wrc_pps_in <= '0';
-- DDR3 controller -- DDR3 controller
cmp_ddr_ctrl_bank3 : entity work.ddr3_ctrl cmp_ddr_ctrl_bank3 : entity work.ddr3_ctrl
generic map( generic map(
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