V4 - Package type D1,D2 wrongly mentioned in BOM. Partnumber OK.
The following component has in the BOM a wrong package type in the column "Case".
- Reference: D1, D2
- 40V 3A Surface Mount Schottky Barrier Rectifier
The package type mentioned in the BOM is DO-214AC.
Actually, the footprint is a DO-214AB, as it the footprint of the actual
SS34 component.
This issue has been signalled to the CERN design office who have corrected the field in the library (but not in the BOM of the SPEC).
Issue found by ISD.
Verified by Erik.
Reply from design office when signalled:
C’est une erreur dans le champ « Case » de la base de donnée Access. Cette information n’a aucune conséquence sur l’empreinte PCB, elle est donnée à titre indicatif. L’empreinte réelle est bien celle d’une DO-214AB et non DO-214AC. J’ai donc juste corrigé ce champ.