Commit 0dcf4ed3 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

kernel/spec-fmc: only enable irq1 from fpga

There's the risk of getting spurious interrupts if the test points are
not connected as I use them, and the same may happen to the unused irq0
pin from the fpga
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 073f55fa
......@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ static int spec_irq_request(struct fmc_device *fmc, irq_handler_t handler,
/* Enable gpio interrupts:
* gpio6: tp8: output low
* gpio7: tp7: interrupt, raising edge
* gpio7: tp7: input (was: interrupt, raising edge
* gpio8: IRQ1 from FPGA: interrupt, raising edge
* gpio9: IRQ0 from FPGA: interrupt, raising edge
* gpio9: IRQ0 from FPGA: input (was: interrupt, raising edge)
* gpio10: tp6: output low
* gpio11: tp5: interrupt, raising edge
* gpio11: tp5: input (was: interrupt, raising edge)
/* bypass = alternate function */
......@@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ static int spec_irq_request(struct fmc_device *fmc, irq_handler_t handler,
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0xb80, 0xb80, GNGPIO_DIRECTION_MODE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0x440, 0x440, GNGPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0xb80, 0x000, GNGPIO_INT_TYPE); /* 0 = edge */
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0xb80, 0xb80, GNGPIO_INT_VALUE); /* 1 = raising */
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0xb80, 0x000, GNGPIO_INT_ON_ANY);
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0x100, 0x000, GNGPIO_INT_TYPE); /* 0 = edge */
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0x100, 0x100, GNGPIO_INT_VALUE); /* 1 = raising */
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0x100, 0x000, GNGPIO_INT_ON_ANY);
gennum_writel(spec, 0xb80, GNGPIO_INT_MASK_CLR); /* enable */
gennum_writel(spec, 0x100, GNGPIO_INT_MASK_CLR); /* enable */
return 0;
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