Commit dd8a13bc authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

sdb.h (both places): bless as official v1.1

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent c9aa3651
* This is the proposed version 1.1 of sdb.h, still not official
* This is the official version 1.1 of sdb.h
#ifndef __SDB_H__
#define __SDB_H__
* This is a modified version 1.0 of sdb.h, not the official spec version
* This is the official version 1.1 of sdb.h
#ifndef __SDB_H__
#define __SDB_H__
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
* magic number at the head of the interconnect record
/* Product, 40 bytes at offset 24, 8-byte alignmed
/* Product, 40 bytes at offset 24, 8-byte aligned
* device_id is vendor-assigned; version is device-specific,
* date is hex (e.g 0x20120501), name is UTF-8, blank-filled
......@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ enum sdb_record_type {
sdb_type_device = 0x01,
sdb_type_bridge = 0x02,
sdb_type_integration = 0x80,
sdb_type_repo_url = 0x81,
sdb_type_synthesis = 0x82,
sdb_type_empty = 0xFF,
......@@ -102,10 +104,33 @@ struct sdb_integration {
struct sdb_product product; /* 0x08-0x3f */
/* Type 0x81: Top module repository url
* again, an informative field that software can ignore
struct sdb_repo_url {
uint8_t repo_url[63]; /* 0x00-0x3e */
uint8_t record_type; /* 0x3f */
/* Type 0x82: Synthesis tool information
* this informative record
struct sdb_synthesis {
uint8_t syn_name[16]; /* 0x00-0x0f */
uint8_t commit_id[16]; /* 0x10-0x1f */
uint8_t tool_name[8]; /* 0x20-0x27 */
uint32_t tool_version; /* 0x28-0x2b */
uint32_t date; /* 0x2c-0x2f */
uint8_t user_name[15]; /* 0x30-0x3e */
uint8_t record_type; /* 0x3f */
/* Type 0xff: empty
* this allows keeping empty slots during development,
* so they can be filled later with miminal efforts and
* so they can be filled later with minimal efforts and
* no misleading description is ever shipped -- hopefully.
* It can also be used to pad a table to a desired length.
......@@ -125,13 +150,10 @@ enum sdb_bus_type {
#define SDB_WB_ACCESS16 0x02
#define SDB_WB_ACCESS32 0x04
#define SDB_WB_ACCESS64 0x08
#define SDB_DATA_READ 0x04
#define SDB_DATA_WRITE 0x02
#define SDB_DATA_EXEC 0x01
#endif /* __SDB_H__ */
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