Commit 3c9a71c6 authored by Projects's avatar Projects

Refactored attenuator controlling code to a separate module

parent e3aed1f5
This diff is collapsed.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 CERN (
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
from ctypes import *
import os.path
class Dev(Structure):
_fields_ = [
( 'lun', c_int ),
( 'busnum', c_char * 6 ),
( 'devnum', c_char * 6 ),
( 'portnum', c_char * 6 ),
( 'busport', c_char * 16 ),
( 'devno', c_char * 10 ),
( 'serial', c_char * 48 ),
( 'path', c_char * 256 ),
( 'unused', c_int * 4 ),
class DevArray(Structure):
_fields_ = [
( 'ndevs', c_int ),
( 'devs', POINTER(Dev) ),
class Manager:
VENDOR_ID = 0x1556 # CERN USB Vendor ID
DEVICE_ID = 0x0443 # oau USB Device ID
FTDI_VENDOR_ID = 0x403 # FTDI Vendor ID
FTDI_DEVICE_ID = 0x6010 # FTDI Product ID
def __init__(self):
self._devices = self._get_devarray(self.VENDOR_ID, self.DEVICE_ID)
def _load_solib(self):
"""try to load attn dyn library from script dir or ../lib."""
self.solib = './'
scriptdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
rootdir = os.path.dirname(scriptdir)
libdir = os.path.join(rootdir, 'lib', self.solib)
self.api = CDLL(self.solib)
except OSError as e:
self.api = CDLL(libdir)
except OSError as e:
raise RuntimeError('cannot load oattn solib, exiting')
self.api.oau_factory_program_eeprom.argtypes = [c_int, c_int, c_char_p]
def _get_devarray(self, vid, pid):
self.api.oattnusb_get_devarray.restype = POINTER(DevArray)
self.devarray = self.api.oattnusb_get_devarray(vid, pid)
ndevs = self.devarray.contents.ndevs
devs = self.devarray.contents.devs
devices = []
for i in range(ndevs):
dev = devs[i]
'lun' : dev.lun,
'busnum' : str(dev.busnum, 'utf8'),
'devnum' : str(dev.devnum, 'utf8'),
'portnum' : str(dev.portnum, 'utf8'),
'busport' : str(dev.busport, 'utf8'),
'devno' : str(dev.devno, 'utf8'),
'serial' : str(dev.serial, 'utf8'),
'path' : str(dev.path , 'utf8')})
return devices
def devices(self):
return self._devices
def get_device(self, serial):
return Device(self.api, serial)
def version(self):
version = c_char_p.in_dll(self.api, "liboattnusb_version_s")
return str(version.value, 'utf8')
def eeprom_program(self, bus, dev, serial):
ret = self.api.oau_factory_program_eeprom(bus, dev, bytes(str(serial), 'ascii'))
if (ret != 0):
raise RuntimeError('EEPROM programming error detected')
class Device:
attn_values = {
'-40dB' : 0,
'-20dB' : 1,
'0dB' : 3,
attn_labels = {
0 : '-40dB',
1 : '-20dB',
3 : '0dB',
def __init__(self, api, serial):
self.api = api
self.fd = self.api.oattnusb_open_by_serial(bytes(serial, 'utf8'))
if self.fd < 0:
raise RuntimeError('cannot open device {}'.format(serial))
self.nchannels = self.api.oattnusb_get_nchannels(self.fd)
if self.nchannels <= 0:
raise RuntimeError('error {} getting number of channels'.format(err))
self.serial = serial
def __del__(self):
if self.fd is not None and self.fd > 0:
err = self.api.oattnusb_close(self.fd)
if err < 0:
raise RuntimeError('could not close fd {}'.format(self.fd))
def get_attn(self, ch):
if ch < 1 or ch > self.nchannels:
raise RuntimeError('channels must be in range 1-{0}'.format(self.nchannels))
attn = self.api.oattnusb_get_relay(self.fd, ch)
if attn < 0:
raise RuntimeError('error getting attenuation for channel {}'.format(ch))
return attn
def set_attn(self, ch, attn):
if ch < 1 or ch > self.nchannels:
raise RuntimeError('channels must be in range 1-{0}'.format(self.nchannels))
if attn not in self.attn_values.values():
raise RuntimeError('invalid attenuation value: {0}'.format(attn))
err = self.api.oattnusb_set_relay(self.fd, ch, attn);
if err < 0:
raise RuntimeError('error setting attenuation {} for channel {}'.format(attn_labels[attn], ch))
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