pts/test: added support to read Mezzanine's EEPROM in Golden FW

Also, it has been added an example program to write and check the
Mezzanine's EEPROM in test/example/python directory.
parent 1895d2db
import sys
import rr
import time
class COpenCoresI2C:
R_PREL = 0x0
R_PREH = 0x4
R_CTR = 0x8
R_TXR = 0xC
R_RXR = 0xC
R_CR = 0x10
R_SR = 0x10
CTR_EN = (1<<7)
CR_STA = (1<<7)
CR_STO = (1<<6)
CR_WR = (1<<4)
CR_RD = (1<<5)
CR_NACK = (1<<3)
SR_RXACK = (1<<7)
SR_TIP = (1<<1)
def wr_reg(self, addr, val):
self.bus.iwrite(0, self.base + addr, 4, val)
def rd_reg(self,addr):
return self.bus.iread(0, self.base + addr, 4)
def __init__(self, bus, base, prescaler):
self.bus = bus;
self.base =base;
self.wr_reg(self.R_CTR, 0);
self.wr_reg(self.R_PREL, (prescaler & 0xff))
self.wr_reg(self.R_PREH, (prescaler >> 8))
self.wr_reg(self.R_CTR, self.CTR_EN);
def wait_busy(self):
while(self.rd_reg(self.R_SR) & self.SR_TIP):
def start(self, addr, write_mode):
addr = addr << 1
if(write_mode == False):
addr = addr | 1;
self.wr_reg(self.R_TXR, addr);
self.wr_reg(self.R_CR, self.CR_STA | self.CR_WR);
if(self.rd_reg(self.R_SR) & self.SR_RXACK):
raise Exception('No ACK upon address (device 0x%x not connected?)' % (addr >> 1))
def write(self, data, last):
self.wr_reg(self.R_TXR, data);
cmd = self.CR_WR;
cmd = cmd | self.CR_STO;
self.wr_reg(self.R_CR, cmd);
if(self.rd_reg(self.R_SR) & self.SR_RXACK):
raise Exception('No ACK upon write')
def read(self, last):
cmd = self.CR_RD;
cmd = cmd | self.CR_STO | self.CR_NACK;
self.wr_reg(self.R_CR, cmd);
return self.rd_reg(self.R_RXR);
class EEPROM_2AA64T:
def __init__(self, i2c, addr):
self.i2c = i2c;
self.addr = addr;
def wr_reg8(self, addr, value):
self.i2c.start(self.addr, True);
self.i2c.write((addr >> 8) & 0x00FF, False); # Write Address High Byte
self.i2c.write((addr & 0x00FF), False); # Write Address Low Byte
self.i2c.write(value, True);
flag = 0;
while(flag == 0) :
self.i2c.start(self.addr, True);
flag = 1;
except Exception:
def rd_reg8(self, addr):
self.i2c.start(self.addr, True);
self.i2c.write((addr >> 8) & 0x00FF, False); # Write Address High Byte
self.i2c.write((addr & 0x00FF), False); # Write Address Low Byte
self.i2c.start(self.addr, False);
gennum = rr.Gennum();
i2c_A = COpenCoresI2C(gennum, 0x40000, 99);
eeprom = EEPROM_2AA64T(i2c_A, 0x50);
# Check the Mezzannine's EEPROM
for addr in range(0,0x2000):
eeprom.wr_reg8(addr, addr);
value = eeprom.rd_reg8(addr);
if (eeprom.rd_reg8(addr) != (addr & 0x00FF) ):
print "Error. Addr: " + hex(addr & 0x00FF) + ". Written the address, read: " + hex(value)
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