1. 21 Nov, 2018 9 commits
    • Jean-Claude BAU's avatar
      HA updates, bug fixes and optimization · fbe6df4e
      Jean-Claude BAU authored
      - Move initialization of configurable parameters in L1SYNC init hook
      - Set the L1SYNC state to DISABLE in the startup otherwise the state is
      not set if the port is not connected
      - Remove time printing in diag messages
      - restrict call to servo only when the state is UP
      - Adjust properly the delay returned by each l1sync state functions
      - Set REQUEST timeout value dependent of the delay mechanism (E2E/P2P)
      - Bug fix: PP_P2P_MECH used instead of P2P
      - Optimize the REQUEST timeout to generate asap a DelayReq message after
      the first SYNC message received
    • Jean-Claude BAU's avatar
      Fix initialization issue with configuration · e9f4ec10
      Jean-Claude BAU authored
      The default configuration was not copied in the right place in PPSI
    • Jean-Claude BAU's avatar
      High Accuracy - Second implementation · a45008ca
      Jean-Claude BAU authored
      This implementation does not include yet the possibility to declare 2
      exclusive instances on a same port (WR & HA)
      - Some structures are renamed with the suffix _t to make it more
      - Some variables are renamed  to be more clear
      - Implementation of masterOnly, slaveOnly and externalPortConfiguration
      - All extension specific includes (XX-api.h) is now automatically
      included in ppsi.h and do not need to be included in other files.
    • Jean-Claude BAU's avatar
      Change the pp_msgtype_info structure · e0b61c86
      Jean-Claude BAU authored
      - This structure is changed in order to be able to use SIGNALING
      messages with non-fowardable MAC address. This have an impact on many
      places as we have to distinguish two kind of signaling messages
    • Jean-Claude BAU's avatar
      PPS configuration enhancement · fb26d591
      Jean-Claude BAU authored
      - New  parameters added
      - Parameter check with min/max values
      - Updated fied mask suppressed: At startup the conf structure in each
      ppsi instance must be initialized with the default values.
    • Jean-Claude BAU's avatar
      PPSi argument 'g' suppressed · 5dd8ccf3
      Jean-Claude BAU authored
      This arguement was used to set all ports to slave role. As it may be on
      conflict with the ppsi configuration, this parameter has been
    • Jean-Claude BAU's avatar
      Move common servo DS in each pp_instance. · 11b27841
      Jean-Claude BAU authored
      Missing file commit.
    • Jean-Claude BAU's avatar
      HA: Use scaledDelayCoefficient instead of fiber_fix_alpha · 6a112729
      Jean-Claude BAU authored
      For the calculation of the delay MS, we use now
      asymmetryCorrectionPortDS.scaledDelayCoefficient (fpa:2^62) instead of
    • Adam Wujek's avatar
  2. 20 Nov, 2018 31 commits