Commit d7904dd2 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

trivial: get rid of last PP_PRINTF calls

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent a6a29525
......@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ int ppsi_main(int argc, char **argv)
struct pp_globals *ppg = &ppg_static;
struct pp_instance *ppi = &ppi_static; /* no malloc, one instance */
PP_PRINTF("bare: starting. Compiled on %s\n", __DATE__);
if (pp_diag_verbosity)
pp_printf("ppsi starting. Built on %s\n", __DATE__);
ppi->glbs = ppg;
ppg->defaultDS = &defaultDS;
......@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ void wr_servo_enable_tracking(int enable)
/* my own timestamp arithmetic functions */
static void dump_timestamp(char *what, TimeInternal ts)
static void dump_timestamp(struct pp_instance *ppi, char *what, TimeInternal ts)
PP_PRINTF("%s = %d:%d:%d\n", what, (int32_t)ts.seconds,
pp_diag(ppi, servo, 2, "%s = %d:%d:%d\n", what, (int32_t)ts.seconds,
ts.nanoseconds, ts.phase);
......@@ -269,13 +269,11 @@ int wr_servo_update(struct pp_instance *ppi)
got_sync = 0;
if (__PP_DIAG_ALLOW_FLAGS(pp_global_flags, pp_dt_servo, 1)) {
dump_timestamp("servo:t1", s->t1);
dump_timestamp("servo:t2", s->t2);
dump_timestamp("servo:t3", s->t3);
dump_timestamp("servo:t4", s->t4);
dump_timestamp("->mdelay", s->mu);
dump_timestamp(ppi, "servo:t1", s->t1);
dump_timestamp(ppi, "servo:t2", s->t2);
dump_timestamp(ppi, "servo:t3", s->t3);
dump_timestamp(ppi, "servo:t4", s->t4);
dump_timestamp(ppi, "->mdelay", s->mu);
s->mu = ts_sub(ts_sub(s->t4, s->t1), ts_sub(s->t3, s->t2));
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