Commit 8edf9486 authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU

Synchronize PPSi with HAL share memory

- Update the local definition of the HAL share memory
- Hide some structure specific to HAL like LPDC support
parent a999f8c4
......@@ -67,15 +67,6 @@ typedef struct {
int nextState;
} halPortFsmState_t;
typedef struct {
int isSupported; /* Set if Low Phase Drift Calibration is supported */
halPortFsmState_t txSetupStates;
halPortFsmState_t rxSetupStates;
void *txSetup;
void *rxSetup;
}halPortLPDC_t; /* data for Low phase drift calibration */
/* Internal port state structure */
struct hal_port_state {
int in_use; /* non-zero: allocated */
......@@ -133,7 +124,7 @@ struct hal_port_state {
int evt_linkUp; /* Set if link is up ( driver call */
/* Low phase drift calibration data */
halPortLPDC_t lpdc;
void *lpdc;
/* Pll FSM */
halPortFsmState_t pllStates;
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