Commit 39b83736 authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU

Fix GM mode with new HAL behavior

In the new HAL version supporting LPDC, HAL set the timing mode to FR
and it must not be changed during all the calibration phase. So PPSI
needs to wait the end of the calibration before to change the timing
mode to GM if it is needed.
Also PPSi waits the end of HAL calibration before to consider a link up
on any port.
parent 7a45bdcb
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ extern struct minipc_ch *hal_ch;
extern struct minipc_ch *ppsi_ch;
extern struct hal_port_state *hal_ports;
extern int hal_nports;
extern struct hal_shmem_header *hal_shmem;
static inline struct hal_port_state *pp_wrs_lookup_port(char *name)
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
static unsigned int run_all_state_machines(struct pp_globals *ppg)
static int portInfoTmoIdx=-1;
static int checkForGM=1;
int j;
int delay_ms = 0, delay_ms_j;
......@@ -41,6 +42,31 @@ static unsigned int run_all_state_machines(struct pp_globals *ppg)
bmc_update_clock_quality(ppg);// Update clock quality before any call to the state machine
// For GM, we have to wait the initialization of all ports before to set timing mode to GM
if ( checkForGM ) {
if (ppg->defaultDS->clockQuality.clockClass != PP_PTP_CLASS_GM_LOCKED) {
} else
if ( hal_shmem->shmemState==HAL_SHMEM_STATE_INITITALIZED ) {
wrh_timing_mode_t current_timing_mode;
int ret=WRH_OPER()->get_timing_mode(ppg,&current_timing_mode);
if (ret<0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ppsi: Cannot get current timing mode\n");
/* If read timing mode was GM, then we do not reprogram the hardware because it
* may unlock the PLL.
if ( current_timing_mode != WRH_TM_GRAND_MASTER )
/* Timing mode was not GM before */
WRS_ARCH_G(ppg)->timingMode=WRH_TM_GRAND_MASTER; // set here because set_timing_mode() is not called
for (j = 0; j < ppg->nlinks; j++) {
struct pp_instance *ppi = INST(ppg, j);
int old_lu = ppi->link_up;
......@@ -54,7 +80,8 @@ static unsigned int run_all_state_machines(struct pp_globals *ppg)
ppi->link_up =state_up(p);
ppi->link_up =state_up(p) &&
hal_shmem->shmemState==HAL_SHMEM_STATE_INITITALIZED;// Up only when all links are initialized
if (old_lu != ppi->link_up) {
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ struct wrh_operations wrh_oper = {
struct minipc_ch *hal_ch;
struct minipc_ch *ppsi_ch;
struct hal_port_state *hal_ports;
struct hal_shmem_header *hal_shmem;
int hal_nports;
struct wrs_shm_head *ppsi_head;
......@@ -122,7 +123,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct timex t;
int i, hal_retries;
struct wrs_shm_head *hal_head;
struct hal_shmem_header *h;
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
......@@ -189,10 +189,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
h = (void *)hal_head + hal_head->data_off;
hal_nports = h->nports;
hal_shmem = (void *)hal_head + hal_head->data_off;
hal_nports = hal_shmem->nports;
hal_ports = wrs_shm_follow(hal_head, h->ports);
hal_ports = wrs_shm_follow(hal_head, hal_shmem->ports);
if (!hal_ports) {
pp_printf("ppsi: unable to follow hal_ports pointer "
......@@ -380,8 +380,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
int enablePPS;
wrh_timing_mode_pll_state_t timing_mode_pll_state;
struct pp_instance *ppi=INST(ppg,0);
wrh_timing_mode_t prev_timing_mode;
int ret=WRH_OPER()->get_timing_mode(ppg,&prev_timing_mode);
wrh_timing_mode_t current_timing_mode;
int ret=WRH_OPER()->get_timing_mode(ppg,&current_timing_mode);
if (ret<0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ppsi: Cannot get current timing mode\n");
......@@ -390,26 +390,34 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if ( ppg->defaultDS->clockQuality.clockClass == PP_PTP_CLASS_GM_LOCKED ) {
/* If read timing mode was GM, then we do not reprogram the hardware because it
* may unlock the PLL.
if ( prev_timing_mode != WRH_TM_GRAND_MASTER ){
/* Timing mode was not GM before */
} else
switch (current_timing_mode) {
// FR mode is OK for starting in all cases. We are not going to touch it
// -> GM will be set in the main loop
// -> BC will be set when a port will become slave
WRS_ARCH_G(ppg)->timingMode=WRH_TM_FREE_MASTER; // set here because set_timing_mode() is not called
if ( ppg->defaultDS->clockQuality.clockClass == PP_PTP_CLASS_GM_LOCKED ) {
// Already the correct timing mode. Not touched to avoid an unlock of the PLL
WRS_ARCH_G(ppg)->timingMode=WRH_TM_GRAND_MASTER; // set here because set_timing_mode() is not called
} else {
/* Timing mode will be set to BC when a port will become slave */
// No break here to set the timing mode to FR
// Must be reseted to FR
/* Waiting for PLL locking. We do not need a precise time-out here */
/* We are waiting up to 3s for PLL locking.
* We do that to avoid to jump too quickly to a degraded clock class.
while(nbRetry>0) {
int ret=WRH_OPER()->get_timing_mode_state(ppg,&timing_mode_pll_state);
if ( ret==0 && timing_mode_pll_state==WRH_TM_PLL_STATE_LOCKED )
sleep(1); // wait 1s
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