Commit 2caf77d5 authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU Committed by Adam Wujek

Fix timeout issues

- Fix issues introduced in last commit "Timeout management correction"
- Code optimization
- Protect FAULT timeout in case of timeout overload. It can append
because the logMinDelayResponse can be changed on real-time by the
received DELAY_RESP message
parent ada5fb06
......@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ static struct timeout_config to_configs[__PP_TO_ARRAY_SIZE] = {
#define TIMEOUT_MAX_LOG_VALUE 21 /* 2^21 * 1000 =2097152000ms is the maximum value that can be stored in an integer */
#define TIMEOUT_MIN_LOG_VALUE -9 /* 2^-9 = 1ms is the minimum value that can be stored in an integer */
int pp_timeout_log_to_ms ( Integer8 logValue) {
/* logValue can be in range -128 , +127
......@@ -42,14 +44,14 @@ int pp_timeout_log_to_ms ( Integer8 logValue) {
if ( logValue >= 0 ) {
if ( logValue > TIMEOUT_MAX_LOG_VALUE )
return (1<< logValue)*1000;
return ( logValue > TIMEOUT_MAX_LOG_VALUE ) ?
((1<< logValue)*1000);
else {
return 1000>>-logValue;
return (logValue<TIMEOUT_MIN_LOG_VALUE) ?
......@@ -64,8 +66,9 @@ void pp_timeout_init(struct pp_instance *ppi)
to_configs[PP_TO_REQUEST].which_rand = p2p ? RAND_NONE : RAND_0_200;
to_configs[PP_TO_REQUEST].value= pp_timeout_log_to_ms(logDelayRequest);
/* fault timeout is 4 avg request intervals, not randomized */
to_configs[PP_TO_FAULT].value =
pp_timeout_log_to_ms(logDelayRequest + 12); /* 0 -> 4096ms */
to_configs[PP_TO_FAULT].value = pp_timeout_log_to_ms(logDelayRequest);
if ( to_configs[PP_TO_FAULT].value < (TIMEOUT_MAX_VALUE_MS>>2))
to_configs[PP_TO_FAULT].value<<=2; /* We can multiply by 4. No risk of overload */
to_configs[PP_TO_SYNC_SEND].value = pp_timeout_log_to_ms(port->logSyncInterval);
to_configs[PP_TO_BMC].value = pp_timeout_log_to_ms(port->logAnnounceInterval);
to_configs[PP_TO_ANN_RECEIPT].value = 1000 * (
......@@ -114,6 +117,7 @@ void pp_timeout_set(struct pp_instance *ppi, int index)
rval <<= 10;
rval ^= (unsigned int) (seed / 65536) % 1024;
millisec>>=1; /* keep 50% of the reference value */
switch(to_config->which_rand) {
case RAND_70_130:
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