• Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    general (for bmc.c): turn ClockIdentity into a structure · f9f487ff
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    This "type" was the only type represented as an array instead of
    being a structure. This leads to inconsistent use: if you memcpy
    the other ones you need "&", but not here.
    So this commit uses an encompassing structure, to have ClockIdentity
    behave like other composite fields.  The commit has no effect at all
    on the generated binary files for wrpc but it unexpectedly reduces the
    size of the output on the PC. Anyways, the commit is trivial, and all
    changes can be easily verified to have no effect.
    While this increases entropy, the reasoning is that I want to assign
    structures instead of running zillions of memcpy functions, with the
    hairy PP_CLOCK_IDENTITY_LENGTH.  So later commits, based on this one,
    reduce entropy.
    Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
ieee1588_types.h 8.04 KB