• Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    config: new config parser, to simplify further additions · d1f43bb1
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    This is a rewrite of the configuration parser, more based on data
    structures se we'll soon be able to read more than one configuration
    file (to add special cases while developing) and protocol extensions
    will be able to extend the table of allowed options.
    Both the configuration file format and the layout of the code calling
    lib/conf.c::pp_config_file() is unchanged in this commit. This means
    that even if you enable config diagnostics on the command line it
    won't have effect, because the config file is parsed before the
    command line. This is fixed by a later commit.
    The only visible change in this commit is that "port" is allowed as a
    synonim for "link", to be deprecated soon (but it will not be removed
    from the parsing of the config file). Thus, pp_instance->link_name is
    renamed to port_name.
    The compiled size of this commit is the same as the previous one.
    Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>