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  • Jean-Claude BAU's avatar
    Fix issues with standart ptp (e2e & p2p) · ada5fb06
    Jean-Claude BAU authored and Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek committed
    In the ptp servo the adjustment of the time was too slow. When the
    difference of the time with the master was less than 1 second, the
    adjustment was done only with the frequency. In case if the difference
    is 0.999s, it can take a very long time to adjust the time.
    Changes made :
    - Adjust with frequency only when time difference is below 20ms
    - Check the timestamp validity before each calculation
    - Create a new function to check the timestamps and use it on all
    servos. This improve significantly the size of the code.
    - Add verification in order not to set an invalid UNIX time