Commit fbf6336d authored by Christopher Turner's avatar Christopher Turner

Formatting edits

parent b0621cf5
......@@ -38,38 +38,39 @@ Instructions for setting up and hardware testing a fresh panda
1.1) Obtain the zebra2-rootfs build files (..these will be available in a release on github)
1.2) Edit the appropriate network settings in the config file: boot/config.txt on the PandaDevice
1.2) Edit the appropriate network settings in: boot/config.txt on the PandaDevice
*For testing purposes, a unique IP and hostname should be given
1.3) Copy these files to a blank microSD card
1.4) Put the microSD card into the panda
1.5) Connect the PandA unit to the serial port and open minicom on the host pc
1.6) Make sure jumpers on the picoZ and carrier board are correct. They should all be set to 1 (all 'up')
1.5) Make sure jumpers on the picoZ and carrier board are correct. They should all be set to 1 (all 'up')
1.6) Connect the PandA unit to the serial port and open minicom on the host pc
1.7) Connect the power cable and ethernet cable
1.8) Power on the panda and watch the output on the minicom console
*If there are no errors, you will be prompted to enter the MAC address through the minicom terminal
*If you are reinstalling packages, the MAC address stored in the /qspi directory on the Panda should be removed,
otherwise there will be no prompt to use a new MAC and the old one will be used.
1.9) If there are no errors, Enter the appropriate MAC address when prompted through the minicom console
2.1) Prepare a blank USB key with the relevant z-packages and ssh keys
2.2) Insert the USB key into the panda device
2.1) Open a minicom terminal to connect to the PandA (or use the open one from the above Linux install steps)
2.2) Prepare a blank USB key with the relevant z-packages and ssh keys
2.3) Insert the USB key into the panda device
*Assuming there is still an open minicom terminal connected to the device
*The minicom terminal should display the progress of detecting and mounting the USB
2.3) In a browser window, connect to the admin page of the zebra with the appropriate IP and a port=8080:
2.4) In a browser window, connect to the admin page of the zebra with the appropriate IP and port=8080:
i.e. (where is the IP of the panda)
2.4) Click 'Append SSH Keys from USB'
2.5) Select the usb mount, then the appropriate SSH Keys and click 'Append'
2.6) Test ssh to the panda.
2.5) Click 'Append SSH Keys from USB'
2.6) Select the usb mount,, the SSH keys that will be appended are now listed
2.7) Click 'Append'
2.8) Test ssh to the panda.
*If this doesn't work, check the SSH key was copied and correct by clicking 'Show authorized keys'
2.7) Return to the main admin page and click 'Install zpg files from USB'
2.8) Select the usb mount, and the appropriate zpkg files
2.9) Return to the main admin page and click 'Install zpg files from USB'
2.10) Select the usb mount, and the appropriate zpkg files
*For testing, select the panda server, web server, and testing firmware (e.g. loopback)
2.9) Click 'Install Selected'
*Make sure installation goes smoothly through the minicom terminal
2.10) Visually check the LED status. if anything is different from below it is an error:
2.11) Click 'Install Selected' and make sure installation goes smoothly through the minicom terminal
2.12) Visually check the LED status. if anything is different from below it is an error:
D4: solid green
PWR (front panel): blinking green
STA (front panel): solid green
......@@ -77,18 +78,13 @@ Instructions for setting up and hardware testing a fresh panda
3.1) Get the PandATest repository
3.2) Individual tests can be run by editing the config file *Note this should not need to be changed from the default
3.1) Get the PandATest repository from
3.2) Edit the config file as appropriate. *Note: this should not need to be changed from the default, but if needed, individual tests can be run by editing as follows:
*Each line should correspond to a test in the 'tests' directory (the testname being exact)
*The block number can be specified after a space after the test name
*e.g. to execute the test 'tests/' to test Encoder 2 enter the following in the config file:
Encoder 2
3.3) Execute the script '' with the IP of the panda you want to test
*The block number can be specified after a space after the test name, e.g. to execute the test 'tests/' to test Encoder 2 enter 'Encoder 2'
3.3) Execute the script '' with the IP of the panda you want to test, e.g:
*Follow the script instructions
3.4) Follow the script instructions
*If a test fails, you will be prompted to check the connectors and try again. There is only one retry.
3.4) The script will prompt you if you want to view the log. Logs are also stored in the 'log' directory.
3.5) When finished, the script will prompt you if you want to view the log. Logs are also stored in the 'log' directory.
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