Commit a32c4b78 authored by Christopher Turner's avatar Christopher Turner

Change external clock period to frequency

parent e6dee898
......@@ -34,18 +34,18 @@ class fmc(PandATest.PandATest):
inputy = raw_input()
while True:
print 'What is the external clock period ?'
print 'What is the external clock frequency (MHz) ?'
custom_period = int(raw_input())
custom_freq = int(raw_input())
"{:<21}{}".format("EXTERN CLOCK PERIOD", custom_period))
"{:<21}{}".format("EXTERN CLCK FREQ MHz", custom_freq))
except ValueError:
for cmd, expected in external_commands.items():
response = self.send_cmd(cmd)
expected = 'OK =' + str(((8192 * 8) / custom_period))
expected = 'OK =' + str(((8192 * 8) * custom_freq))
self.check_response(response, expected, cmd, 1))
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