Commit d6c299f5 authored by Jean-Philippe Lang's avatar Jean-Philippe Lang

Adds 'Blocked by' (#1755) and 'Duplicated by' relation types to the dropdown…

Adds 'Blocked by' (#1755) and 'Duplicated by' relation types to the dropdown menu for new relations.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent 241f79ac
......@@ -21,15 +21,19 @@ class IssueRelation < ActiveRecord::Base
TYPE_RELATES = "relates"
TYPE_DUPLICATES = "duplicates"
TYPE_DUPLICATED = "duplicated"
TYPE_BLOCKS = "blocks"
TYPE_BLOCKED = "blocked"
TYPE_PRECEDES = "precedes"
TYPE_FOLLOWS = "follows"
TYPES = { TYPE_RELATES => { :name => :label_relates_to, :sym_name => :label_relates_to, :order => 1 },
TYPE_DUPLICATES => { :name => :label_duplicates, :sym_name => :label_duplicated_by, :order => 2 },
TYPE_BLOCKS => { :name => :label_blocks, :sym_name => :label_blocked_by, :order => 3 },
TYPE_PRECEDES => { :name => :label_precedes, :sym_name => :label_follows, :order => 4 },
TYPE_FOLLOWS => { :name => :label_follows, :sym_name => :label_precedes, :order => 5 }
TYPE_DUPLICATED => { :name => :label_duplicated_by, :sym_name => :label_duplicates, :order => 3, :reverse => TYPE_DUPLICATES },
TYPE_BLOCKS => { :name => :label_blocks, :sym_name => :label_blocked_by, :order => 4 },
TYPE_BLOCKED => { :name => :label_blocked_by, :sym_name => :label_blocks, :order => 5, :reverse => TYPE_BLOCKS },
TYPE_PRECEDES => { :name => :label_precedes, :sym_name => :label_follows, :order => 6 },
TYPE_FOLLOWS => { :name => :label_follows, :sym_name => :label_precedes, :order => 7, :reverse => TYPE_PRECEDES }
validates_presence_of :issue_from, :issue_to, :relation_type
......@@ -85,12 +89,13 @@ class IssueRelation < ActiveRecord::Base
# Reverses the relation if needed so that it gets stored in the proper way
def reverse_if_needed
if (TYPE_FOLLOWS == relation_type)
if TYPES.has_key?(relation_type) && TYPES[relation_type][:reverse]
issue_tmp = issue_to
self.issue_to = issue_from
self.issue_from = issue_tmp
self.relation_type = TYPE_PRECEDES
self.relation_type = TYPES[relation_type][:reverse]
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