Commit b687ba79 authored by Toshi MARUYAMA's avatar Toshi MARUYAMA Committed by Eric Davis

scm: mercurial: add :order => 'id DESC' explicitly for MySQL test fails.

Because :order => 'id DESC' is defined at 'has_many',
there is no need to set 'order'.
But, MySQL test fails.
Sqlite3 and PostgreSQL pass.
Is this MySQL bug?

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent 1bfb87df
......@@ -81,16 +81,23 @@ class Repository::Mercurial < Repository
# Returns the latest changesets for +path+; sorted by revision number
# Default behavior is to search in cached changesets
# Because :order => 'id DESC' is defined at 'has_many',
# there is no need to set 'order'.
# But, MySQL test fails.
# Sqlite3 and PostgreSQL pass.
# Is this MySQL bug?
def latest_changesets(path, rev, limit=10)
if path.blank?
changesets.find(:all, :include => :user, :limit => limit)
changesets.find(:all, :include => :user, :limit => limit, :order => 'id DESC')
changesets.find(:all, :select => "DISTINCT #{Changeset.table_name}.*",
:joins => :changes,
:conditions => ["#{Change.table_name}.path = ? OR #{Change.table_name}.path LIKE ? ESCAPE ?",
"#{path.with_leading_slash.gsub(/[%_\\]/) { |s| "\\#{s}" }}/%", '\\'],
:include => :user, :limit => limit)
:include => :user, :limit => limit,
:order => "#{Changeset.table_name}.id DESC" )
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