Commit 8b990471 authored by Eric Davis's avatar Eric Davis

Merge branch 'stable'

parents 2c464116 30285ce6
= ChiliProject changelog
== TBD v2.0.0
== 2011-07-29 v2.1.0
* Bug #191: Add Next/Previous links to the top of search results
* Bug #467: uninitialized constant Journal::Journaled
* Bug #498: Wrong filters for int and float custom fields
* Bug #511: Encoding of strings coming out of SQLite
* Bug #512: reposman.rb do not work properly in Gentoo Linux.
* Bug #513: Attached files in "comment" no longer link to file
* Bug #514: Multiple emails for each forum post
* Bug #523: Gzipped history of wiki pages is garbeled during an update of an older version to 2.0
* Bug #530: Start date default should consider timezone
* Bug #536: CSRF Protection
* Bug #537: Accessing version of newly created WikiContent results in NoMethodError
* Bug #540: Hook helper_issues_show_detail_after_setting gets different parameters in Chili 1.x and 2.0
* Bug #542: Double initial journal for migrated wiki history
* Bug #543: Journalized touch on journal update causes StaleObjectErrors
* Bug #544: XSS in app/views/issues/show.rhtml
* Feature #499: Due date sort order should sort issues with no due date to the end of the list
* Feature #506: Support for "local" Gemfile - Gemfile.local
* Feature #526: Bulgarian translation
* Feature #539: Remove dead code in IssueHelper
* Task #518: Document how to create a Journal using acts_as_journalized
== 2011-07-01 v2.0.0
* Bug #262: Fix line endings
* Bug #341: Remove English strings from RepositoriesHelper
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ require 'rexml/document'
module Redmine
module VERSION #:nodoc:
TINY = PATCH # Redmine compat
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