Commit 61e20cb2 authored by Gregor Schmidt's avatar Gregor Schmidt

Fixing monkey patching of rubytree to be more robust

parent 0caf4b3d
...@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ module TreeNodePatch ...@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ module TreeNodePatch
base.class_eval do base.class_eval do
attr_reader :last_items_count attr_reader :last_items_count
alias :old_initilize :initialize def initialize_with_redmine(name, content = nil)
def initialize(name, content = nil) extend InstanceMethods
old_initilize(name, content)
@last_items_count = 0 @last_items_count = 0
initialize_without_redmine(name, content)
end end
alias_method_chain :initialize, :redmine
end end
end end
...@@ -99,7 +100,9 @@ module TreeNodePatch ...@@ -99,7 +100,9 @@ module TreeNodePatch
end end
end end
end end
Tree::TreeNode.send(:include, TreeNodePatch) unless Tree::TreeNode.included_modules.include?(TreeNodePatch)
Tree::TreeNode.send(:include, TreeNodePatch)
module Redmine module Redmine
module MenuManager module MenuManager
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