Commit 36d8f351 authored by Jean-Philippe Lang's avatar Jean-Philippe Lang

Prevent creation of project with identifier 'new' (#3602).

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent d41bd93a
......@@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_length_of :identifier, :in => 1..20
# donwcase letters, digits, dashes but not digits only
validates_format_of :identifier, :with => /^(?!\d+$)[a-z0-9\-]*$/, :if => { |p| p.identifier_changed? }
# reserved words
validates_exclusion_of :identifier, :in => %w( new )
before_destroy :delete_all_members
named_scope :has_module, lambda { |mod| { :conditions => ["#{Project.table_name}.id IN (SELECT em.project_id FROM #{EnabledModule.table_name} em WHERE", mod.to_s] } }
......@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ class ProjectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
to_test = {"abc" => true,
"ab12" => true,
"ab-12" => true,
"12" => false}
"12" => false,
"new" => false}
to_test.each do |identifier, valid|
p =
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