Commit 218e1bb2 authored by Jean-Philippe Lang's avatar Jean-Philippe Lang

Use style attribute for setting width of table cells in progress bars (#2267).

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent 1ce2ed06
......@@ -542,9 +542,9 @@ module ApplicationHelper
legend = options[:legend] || ''
(pcts[0] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :width => "#{pcts[0].floor}%;", :class => 'closed') : '') +
(pcts[1] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :width => "#{pcts[1].floor}%;", :class => 'done') : '') +
(pcts[2] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :width => "#{pcts[2].floor}%;", :class => 'todo') : '')
(pcts[0] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[0].floor}%;", :class => 'closed') : '') +
(pcts[1] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[1].floor}%;", :class => 'done') : '') +
(pcts[2] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[2].floor}%;", :class => 'todo') : '')
), :class => 'progress', :style => "width: #{width};") +
content_tag('p', legend, :class => 'pourcent')
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