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  • Eric Davis's avatar
    Converted routing and urls to follow the Rails REST convention. · 765f7abc
    Eric Davis authored
    Patch supplied by commits from Gerrit Kaiser on Github.  Existing routes will
    still work (backwards compatible) but any new urls will be generated using the
    new routing rules.
    Changes listed below:
    * made the URLs for some project tabs and project settings follow the new rails RESTful conventions of /collection/:id/subcollection/:sub_id
    * prettier URL for project roadmap
    * more nice project URLs
    * use GET for filtering form
    * prettified URLs used on issues tab
    * custom route for activity atom feeds
    * prettier repository urls
    * fixed broken route definition
    * fixed failing tests for issuecontroller that were hardcoding the url string
    * more RESTful routes for boards and messages
    * RESTful routes for wiki pages
    * RESTful routes for documents
    * moved old routes that are retained for compatibility to the bottom and grouped them together
    * added RESTful URIs for issues
    * RESTfulness for the news section
    * fixed route order
    * changed hardcoded UR...
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