... | ... | @@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ CERN uses the following licences for most Open Hardware designs: |
- [Kickstarter Open
a funding platform
- [OH\&A products](http://www.ohanda.org/products/gallery),
- [Open Hardware Hub](http://www.openhardwarehub.com/), a place to
post and contribute to open source hardware projects.
- [Qi](http://en.qi-hardware.com/wikis/Main_Page), promoters of
... | ... | @@ -165,9 +167,10 @@ CERN uses the following licences for most Open Hardware designs: |
### Open Source Hardware Organizations
- [Open Source Hardware Organization](http://www.oshwa.org/)
- [Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance](http://www.ohanda.org/)
- OH\&A - Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance:
[web](http://www.ohanda.org/), [wiki](http://wiki.ohanda.org/)
13 August 2012
29 August 2012