Commit 41fa5f84 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

ci: fix broken dependency to SW artifacts

parent 7ec23c8f
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ test_on_hw:
# unfortunately the $CARD variable cannot be expanded here
- "fpga_synthesis: [hdl/syn/spec_mt_demo]"
- "fpga_synthesis: [hdl/syn/svec_mt_demo]"
- "software_build: [build-fec-sw, 3.10.0-957.1.3.rt56.913.el7.x86_64, L867]"
- "software_build: [production]"
- "test_fw_build"
- fec-runner
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ test_on_hw:
- mkdir -p $TMP_DIR/usr/lib/modules
- cp -r /usr/local/lib/modules/$(uname -r) $TMP_DIR/usr/lib/modules
- find $TMP_DIR/usr/lib/modules -name mockturtle*.ko -delete
- tar xvf $_SW_DEST/mockturtle-software-L867${CI_COMMIT_TAG:+-$CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.xz -C $TMP_DIR/
- tar xvf $_SW_DEST/mockturtle-software-production${CI_COMMIT_TAG:+-$CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.xz -C $TMP_DIR/
- tar xvf $_FW_DEST/mockturtle-firmware${CI_COMMIT_TAG:+-$CI_COMMIT_TAG}.tar.xz -C $TMP_DIR/
- depmod -b $MODPROBE_ROOT
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