Commit 2d6f9d2e authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

masterfip_rx: treat frames that are not multiple of 8 bits as errorneous even if their CRC is OK

parent 045a24b3
......@@ -214,6 +214,8 @@ begin
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
cmp_rx_deserializer: wf_rx_deserializer
generic map(
g_unaligned_crc_is_correct => false )
port map(
uclk_i => clk_i,
nfip_rst_i => rst_i,
......@@ -172,6 +172,8 @@ package wf_package is
component wf_rx_deserializer
generic (
g_unaligned_crc_is_correct : boolean := true );
port (
uclk_i : in std_logic;
nfip_rst_i : in std_logic;
......@@ -290,6 +292,8 @@ end component wf_rx_osc;
component wf_crc
generic (
g_unaligned_crc_is_correct : boolean := true );
port (
uclk_i : in std_logic;
nfip_rst_i : in std_logic;
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