Commit a77a693a authored by Michael Reese's avatar Michael Reese

vme-wb: allow remapping of AM=0x09 address range to slot*0x01000000 by enlarging…

vme-wb: allow remapping of AM=0x09 address range to slot*0x01000000 by enlarging ADEM register for function 0
parent 97aa12dd
......@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ package VME_CR_pack is
-- Address Decoder Mask ADEM
16#188# => x"f0", -- Fun 0
16#188# => x"ff", -- Fun 0
16#189# => x"00", -- Fun 0
16#18A# => x"00", -- Fun 0
16#18B# => x"00", -- Fun 0 --DFS = '0'
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