Unverified Commit c7cdfc66 authored by Adam Abed Abud's avatar Adam Abed Abud Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #31 from dhcroft/master

Changed loop plots to AAMI recommended axis order
parents bfce4f86 51a4ce62
......@@ -13,34 +13,48 @@ function requestChartVar() {
success: function(point) {
if( chart_PV.data.datasets[1].data.length > 100 ){
// point labelled as: (stealing definitions from Chart-display.js)
// Pressure = pressure_buffer
// Flow = pressure_inhale ??
// Volume = temperature_buffer !!?
chart_PV.data.datasets[1].data.push({x: point["temperature_buffer"],
y: point["pressure_buffer"]});
chart_FV.data.datasets[1].data.push({x: point["temperature_buffer"],
y: point["pressure_inhale"]});
chart_PF.data.datasets[1].data.push({x: point["pressure_inhale"],
y: point["pressure_buffer"]});
chart_PV.data.datasets[0].data =
[{x: point["temperature_buffer"],y: point["pressure_buffer"]}];
var pressure = point["pressure_buffer"];
var volume = point["temperature_buffer"];
var flow = point["pressure_inhale"];
chart_FV.data.datasets[0].data =
[{x: point["temperature_buffer"], y: point["pressure_inhale"]}];
// to quote the AAMI:
//For Pressure-Volume loops, the graph
//is required to use delivered volume on the vertical axis
//and airway pressure on the horizontal axis. Positive
//values should increase in up/right directions. Every
//breath resets the graph, setting the volume back at the
chart_PF.data.datasets[0].data =
[{x: point["pressure_inhale"], y: point["pressure_buffer"]}];
//For Flow-Volume loops the graph is required to use flow
//rate on the vertical axis and delivered volume on the
//horizontal axis. Positive values should increase in the
//up/right directions. Every breath resets the graph,
//setting the volume back at the origin. The document also
//suggests that there could be another version using
//exhalation flow, if possible.
// loops:
chart_PV.data.datasets[1].data.push({x: pressure, y: volume});
chart_VF.data.datasets[1].data.push({x: volume, y: flow});
chart_PF.data.datasets[1].data.push({x: pressure, y: flow});
// current data:
chart_PV.data.datasets[0].data = [{x: pressure, y: volume}];
chart_VF.data.datasets[0].data = [{x: volume, y: flow}];
chart_PF.data.datasets[0].data = [{x: pressure, y: flow}];
// now run chart updates
console.info("chart_PV.data", chart_PV.data);
cache: false
setTimeout(requestChartVar, 200);
......@@ -53,55 +67,43 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
chart_PV = new Chart(ctx_PV, {
type: 'scatter',
data: {datasets: [{data: [],
label: "Pressure:Volme (current)",
label: "Pressure (x) [mbar]: Volume (y) [ml] (current)",
borderColor: "rgb(128,0,0)",
pointBackgroundColor : "rgb(128,0,0)",
fill: true},
{data: [],
label: "Loop Pressure:Volme (last 20s)",
label: "Loop (20s)",
borderColor: "rgb(51,99,255)",
pointBackgroundColor : "rgb(51,99,255)",
fill: false },
options: {elements: { point: { radius: 5}},
scales: {xAxes: [{type: 'linear',
position: 'bottom',
lablelString: 'temperature_buffer??',
display: true,
ticks: {min: -1000, max: 1500,
stepSize: 500, fontSize:25 }}],
yAxes: [{type: 'linear',
position: 'left',
lablelString: 'pressure_buffer??',
display: true,
scales: {xAxes: [{display: true,
ticks: {min: 0, max: 25,
stepSize: 5, fontSize: 25 }}]}}
stepSize: 5, fontSize: 25 }}],
yAxes: [{display: true,
ticks: {min: -1000, max: 1500,
stepSize: 500, fontSize:25 }}]}}
var ctx_FV = document.getElementById('flow_volume_chart');
chart_FV = new Chart(ctx_FV, {
var ctx_VF = document.getElementById('flow_volume_chart');
chart_VF = new Chart(ctx_VF, {
type: 'scatter',
data: {datasets: [{data: [],
label: "Flow:Volme (current)",
label: "Volume (x) [ml]: Flow (y) [ml/min] (current)",
borderColor: "rgb(128,0,0)",
pointBackgroundColor : "rgb(128,0,0)",
fill: true },
{data: [],
label: "Loop Flow:Volme (last 20s)",
label: "Loop (20s)",
borderColor: "rgb(51,99,255)",
pointBackgroundColor : "rgb(51,99,255)",
fill: false }]}
,options: {elements: { point: { radius: 5}},
scales: {xAxes: [{type: 'linear',
position: 'bottom',
lablelString: 'temperature_buffer??',
display: true,
ticks: {min: -1000, max: 1500,
stepSize: 500, fontSize: 25 }}],
yAxes: [{type: 'linear',
position: 'left',
lablelString: 'pressure_inhale??',
display: true,
scales: {xAxes: [{display: true,
ticks: {min: -1000, max: 1500,
stepSize: 500, fontSize: 25 }}],
yAxes: [{display: true,
ticks: {min: 0, max: 300,
stepSize: 100, fontSize: 25 }}]}}
......@@ -110,28 +112,22 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
chart_PF = new Chart(ctx_PF, {
type: 'scatter',
data: {datasets: [{data: [],
label: "Pressure:Flow (current)",
label: "Pressure (x) [mbar]: Flow (y) [ml/min] (current)",
borderColor: "rgb(128,0,0)",
pointBackgroundColor : "rgb(128,0,0)",
fill: true },
{data: [],
label: "Loop Pressure:Flow (last 20s)",
label: "Loop (20s)",
borderColor: "rgb(51,99,255)",
pointBackgroundColor : "rgb(51,99,255)",
fill: false }]}
,options: {elements: { point: { radius: 5, fill: true}},
scales: {xAxes: [{type: 'linear',
position: 'bottom',
lablelString: 'pressure_inhale??',
display: true,
scales: {xAxes: [{display: true,
ticks: {min: 0, max: 25 ,
stepSize: 5 , fontSize: 25 }}],
yAxes: [{display: true,
ticks: {min: 0, max: 300,
stepSize: 100, fontSize: 25 }}],
yAxes: [{type: 'linear',
position: 'left',
lablelString: 'pressure_buffer??',
display: true,
ticks: {min: 0, max: 25,
stepSize: 5, fontSize: 25 }}]}}
stepSize: 100, fontSize: 25 }}]}}
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