Commit 9745e65f authored by Carlos Ortiz's avatar Carlos Ortiz

Add more translations to text_portuguese.jason file

parent c8c105c2
Pipeline #1810 failed with stages
......@@ -69,51 +69,51 @@
"calibration": "Calibracao",
"Leak Test": "Teste de Vazamento",
"maintenance": "Manutencao",
"APNEA": "-",
"duration_buff_prefill": "-",
"duration_buff_pre_inhale": "-",
"kp": "-",
"ki": "-",
"kd": "-",
"pid_gain": "-",
"max_patient_pressure": "-",
"valve_air_in": "-",
"valve_o2_in": "-",
"valve_inhale": "-",
"valve_exhale": "-",
"valve_purge": "-",
"valve_inhale_percent": "-",
"valve_exhale_percent": "-",
"unit_ms": "-",
"unit_percent": "-",
"unit_cm_h2o": "-",
"unit_s": "-",
"unit_years": "-",
"unit_kg": "-",
"unit_cm": "-",
"peep": "-",
"duration_buff_prefill": "Prenchimento",
"duration_buff_pre_inhale": "Pré Inalado",
"kp": "kp",
"ki": "ki",
"kd": "kd",
"pid_gain": "Ganho PID",
"max_patient_pressure": "Pressao",
"valve_air_in": "Entrada de Ar",
"valve_o2_in": "Entrada de O<sub>2</sub>",
"valve_inhale": "Inspiracao",
"valve_exhale": "Expiracao",
"valve_purge": "Purga",
"valve_inhale_percent": "Porcentagem Inspiracao",
"valve_exhale_percent": "Porcentagem Expiracao",
"CHECK_P_PATIENT":"Pressao do Paciente",
"HIGH_FIO2":"FIO<sub>2</sub> Alto",
"HIGH_PRESSURE":"Pressao Alta",
"HIGH_RR":"RR Alto",
"HIGH_VTE":"VTE Alto",
"HIGH_VTI":"VTI Alto",
"unit_ms": "ms",
"unit_percent": "%",
"unit_cm_h2o": "cm H<sub>2</sub>O",
"unit_s": "s",
"unit_years": "anos",
"unit_kg": "Kg",
"unit_cm": "cm",
"peep": "PEEP",
"respiratory_rate":"Freq. Respiratoria",
"inhale_time":"Tempo Inspiracao",
"ie_ratio":"Razao I:E",
"inhale_trigger_threshold":"Sensibilidade Inspiratoria",
"exhale_trigger_threshold":"Sensibilidade Expiratoria",
"inspiratory_pressure":"Presao Inspiratoria",
"fiO2_percent":"Porcentagem O<sub>2</sub>",
"duration_inhale":"Tempo Inspiratorio",
"duration_exhale":"Tempo Expiratorio",
"inhale_exhale_ratio":"Razão I:E"
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