Commit 663c7c27 authored by Benjamin Mummery's avatar Benjamin Mummery 💻

updated NativeUI docstring

parent 71bee161
......@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ Command-line arguments:
-d, --debug : set the level of debug output.Include once for INFO, twice for DEBUG
-w, --windowed : run the user interface in windowed mode.
-r, --resolution : set the window size in pixels. E.g. -r 1920x1080
--no-startup : start the UI without going through the calibration startup sequence.
-l, --language : set the initial language for the UI (can later be set within the
interface). Defaults to English.
__author__ = ["Benjamin Mummery", "Dónal Murray", "Tiago Sarmento"]
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