Commit 63458b17 authored by Tim Powell's avatar Tim Powell

WIP: sw11 integration test

parent 6c6751a9
Pipeline #1197 failed with stages
"ALARM": {
"version": 182,
"timestamp": 816562,
"payload_type": "ALARM",
"alarm_type": "PRIORITY_MEDIUM",
"alarm_code": "HIGH_VTE",
"param": 24868.025390625
"type": "ALARM"
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- give NativeUI.get_updates() a fake payload of a high pressure alarm at high priority.
- that triggers NativeUI.set_alarms_db() which sets __alarms DB
- hev_alarms.updateAlarms() is run regularly to check for new alarms. When new alarms are added to NativeUI.__alarms hev_alarms.updateAlarms() triggers.
- hev_alarms.updateAlarms adds the alarm to the alarmDict, creates an alarm popup, and adds it to the alarm table displayed in the UI.
# NativeUI.get_updates()
# NativeUI.set_alarms_db()
# __alarms DB Updated
# hev_alarms.updateAlarms()
# abstractAlarm
# TODO get a fake payload from the MCU side. Currently (8.4.21) not available as MCU and UI are not linked.
import json
from unittest.mock import patch
import os
import sys
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication
import time
import threading
current_path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
root_path = os.path.abspath(current_path + "/NativeUI")
from NativeUI import NativeUI
import hevclient
# Stub self.alarmTab.popup.addAlarm(newAbstractAlarm), self.alarmTab.list.addAlarm(newAbstractAlarm), self.alarmTableTab.table.addAlarmRow(newAbstractAlarm)
def main():
hevclient.mmFileName = "tests/integration/fixtures/HEVClient_lastData.mmap"
app = QApplication()
myNativeUI = NativeUI()
x = threading.Thread(target=app.exec_)
# define vars
popup_activated = False
list_activated = False
table_activated = False
# define mock functions
def mock_popup():
nonlocal popup_activated
print("popup here")
popup_activated = True
def mock_list():
nonlocal list_activated
list_activated = True
def mock_table():
nonlocal table_activated
table_activated = True
# replace update_alarms function calls with my own calls
patch.object(myNativeUI.widgets.alarm_tab.popup, "addAlarm", new=mock_popup)
patch.object(myNativeUI.widgets.alarm_tab.list, "addAlarm", new=mock_list)
myNativeUI.widgets.alarm_table_tab.table, "addAlarmRow", new=mock_table
# Give NativeUI.get_updates() a fake payload
fake_alarm_json = "tests/integration/fixtures/sw11.json"
fake_payload = json.load(open(fake_alarm_json))
# Check __alarms is modified
alarm_db = myNativeUI.get_db("alarms")
print("\n***", alarm_db, "\n")
# __define_connections calls alarm_widgets.tab_alarms.update_alarms every 16ms and starts when NativeUI is initialized.
starttime = time.time_ns() // 1_000_000
while (time.time_ns() // 1_000_000) < (starttime + 5000):
# (In Stubs) Capture newAbstractAlarm and query it for alarm code and priority set a flag if so.
# After wait, check for flags set.
assert popup_activated is True, "popup.addAlarm(newAbstractAlarm) not called."
assert list_activated is True, "list.addAlarm(newAbstractAlarm) not called."
assert table_activated is True, "table.addAlarm(newAbstractAlarm) not called."
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