Commit 61a0ab5c authored by Benjamin Mummery's avatar Benjamin Mummery 💻

removed alarms workaround

parent 51fe1440
Pipeline #1206 failed with stages
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class NativeUI(HEVClient, QMainWindow):
"flow_axis_range": [-40, 80],
"volume_axis_range": [0, 80],
self.__alarms = []
self.__alarms = {}
self.__targets = {}
self.__personal = {}
self.ongoingAlarms = {}
......@@ -235,16 +235,10 @@ class NativeUI(HEVClient, QMainWindow):
Set the contents of the specified database dict, assuming that it is present in
__database_list. Uses lock to avoid race conditions.
TODO: the alarms workaround is a little janky - do alarms need to be a list or
can they be a dict in line with the other dbs?
temp = self.get_db(database_name)
for key in payload:
if database_name in ["alarms", "__alarms"]:
temp = payload
temp[key] = payload[key]
temp[key] = payload[key]
with self.db_lock:
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