Commit 0726439a authored by Tim Powell's avatar Tim Powell

added default handler unittest

parent ed433a3b
Pipeline #1375 failed with stages
......@@ -6,8 +6,38 @@ import json
import os
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
from handler_library.handler import Handler
from handler_library.battery_handler import BatteryHandler
def test_handler():
Tests the default handler.
Test for set_db and get_db to set the database from a given payload and compare the db imported from get_db.
Test for if active_payload gets fired when set_db is called.
# Initalise the handler and import sample battery json file
handler = Handler()
batt_json_file_path = os.environ['PYTHONPATH'].split(os.pathsep)[0] + '/tests/unittests/fixtures/batterySample.json'
batt_json = json.load(open(batt_json_file_path))
# Set the database for the imported json and get the database imported
db = handler.get_db()
# Check if the input payload and output database are the same
if batt_json == db:
payload_database_comparison = True
payload_database_comparison = False
# Mock active_payload to return true if it is called.
handler.active_payload = MagicMock(return_value=True)
# Check whether conditions have been met to pass test
assert handler.active_payload() is True, 'active_payload was not called when set_db was run.'
assert payload_database_comparison is True, 'set_db does not set the inputted payload to the database.'
def test_battery_handler():
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