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  • David Belohrad's avatar
    Quartus target supports mode assignments in Manifest · 68f3baaf
    David Belohrad authored
    Following commmit implements to standard makefile argument
    "syn_properties" as well additional 3:
    - syn_instances -> set_global_instance
    - syn_location_assignments-> set_location_assignment
    - syn_instance_assignments -> set_instance_assignment
    The original foreseen only
    - syn_properties -> set_global_assignment
    Following brings possibility to specify in manifest in more detail for
    example logilock regions.
    In order to make the parameters compatible with quartus manifest
    properties 'to' and 'region_id' can be now preprended by tilde (~) to
    announce that the given value of the command shall be enclosed in
    quotes. This is needed as it differs from parameter to
    parameter. Example:
    following does not need any quotes:
    set_global_assignment -name IOBANK_VCCIO 3.3V -section_id 3A
    but following does:
    set_instance_assignment -name LL_MEMBER_OF "bst_sync:i_bst_sync" -to
    -section_id "bst_sync:i_bst_sync"