Commit 879b5725 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski


parent 7cc2ac4a
...@@ -29,6 +29,47 @@ function vi(name, h, l) ...@@ -29,6 +29,47 @@ function vi(name, h, l)
return s; return s;
end end
-- instance of a component
function vinstance(name, component, maps)
local s={};
s.component = component;
s.maps = maps;
return s;
-- port map
function vpm(to, from)
local s={};
s.t="portmap"; = to;
s.from = from;
return s;
-- generic map
function vgm(to, from)
local s={};
s.t="genmap"; = to;
s.from = from;
return s;
-- combinatorial process: process(sensitivity_list) begin {code} end process;
function vsyncprocess(slist, code)
local s={};
s.slist = slist;
return s;
-- synchronous process: process(clk, rst) begin {code} end process; -- synchronous process: process(clk, rst) begin {code} end process;
function vsyncprocess(clk, rst, code) function vsyncprocess(clk, rst, code)
local s={}; local s={};
...@@ -39,6 +80,8 @@ function vsyncprocess(clk, rst, code) ...@@ -39,6 +80,8 @@ function vsyncprocess(clk, rst, code)
return s; return s;
end end
-- reset in process -- reset in process
function vreset(level, code) function vreset(level, code)
local s={}; local s={};
...@@ -148,30 +191,16 @@ function port(type, nbits, dir, name, comment) ...@@ -148,30 +191,16 @@ function port(type, nbits, dir, name, comment)
return t; return t;
end end
global_ports = {};
global_signals = {};
function cgen_build_wishbone_ports() function add_global_signals(s)
local ports = { table_join(global_signals, s);
port(BIT, 0, "in", "rst_n_i"),
port(BIT, 0, "in", "wb_clk_i"),
if(address_bus_width > 0 ) then
table_join(ports, { port(SLV, address_bus_width, "in", "wb_addr_i") });
table_join(ports, {
port(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "in", "wb_data_i"),
port(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "out", "wb_data_o"),
port(BIT, 0, "in", "wb_cyc_i"),
port(BIT, 0, "in", "wb_sel_i"),
port(BIT, 0, "in", "wb_stb_i"),
port(BIT, 0, "in", "wb_we_i"),
port(BIT, 0, "out", "wb_ack_o")
return ports;
end end
function add_global_ports(p)
table_join(global_ports, p);
function cgen_build_clock_list() function cgen_build_clock_list()
local allclocks = tree_2_table("clock"); local allclocks = tree_2_table("clock");
...@@ -194,16 +223,7 @@ function cgen_build_siglist() ...@@ -194,16 +223,7 @@ function cgen_build_siglist()
siglist = tree_2_table("signals"); siglist = tree_2_table("signals");
wb_sigs = { signal(BIT, 0, "wb_ack_regbank"), table_join(siglist, global_signals);
signal(UNSIGNED, 4, "ack_cntr"),
signal(BIT,0, "ack_in_progress"),
signal(BIT,0, "tmpbit"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "rddata_reg"),
signal(SLV, DATA_BUS_WIDTH, "wrdata_reg"),
signal(SLV, address_bus_width, "rwaddr_reg")
table_join(siglist, wb_sigs);
return siglist; return siglist;
end end
...@@ -212,7 +232,7 @@ end ...@@ -212,7 +232,7 @@ end
function cgen_build_portlist() function cgen_build_portlist()
local portlist = {}; local portlist = {};
table_join(portlist, cgen_build_wishbone_ports()); table_join(portlist, global_ports);
table_join(portlist, cgen_build_clock_list()); table_join(portlist, cgen_build_clock_list());
table_join(portlist, tree_2_table("ports")); table_join(portlist, tree_2_table("ports"));
return portlist; return portlist;
This diff is collapsed.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library altera_mf;
use altera_mf.all;
library wbgen2;
use wbgen2.all;
entity wbgen2_dpssram is
generic (
g_data_width : natural;
g_size : natural;
g_addr_width : natural;
g_dual_clock : boolean := false;
g_use_bwsel : boolean := false);
port (
clk_a_i : in std_logic;
clk_b_i : in std_logic;
addr_a_i : in std_logic_vector(g_addr_width-1 downto 0);
addr_b_i : in std_logic_vector(g_addr_width-1 downto 0);
data_a_i : in std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0);
data_b_i : in std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0);
data_a_o : out std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0);
data_b_o : out std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0);
bwsel_a_i : in std_logic_vector((g_data_width+7)/8 downto 0);
bwsel_b_i : in std_logic_vector((g_data_width+7)/8 downto 0);
rd_a_i : in std_logic;
rd_b_i : in std_logic;
wr_a_i : in std_logic;
wr_b_i : in std_logic
end wbgen2_dpssram;
architecture syn of wbgen2_dpssram is
component altsyncram
generic (
address_reg_b : string;
byteena_reg_b : string;
byte_size : natural;
clock_enable_input_a : string;
clock_enable_input_b : string;
clock_enable_output_a : string;
clock_enable_output_b : string;
indata_reg_b : string;
intended_device_family : string;
lpm_type : string;
numwords_a : natural;
numwords_b : natural;
operation_mode : string;
outdata_aclr_a : string;
outdata_aclr_b : string;
outdata_reg_a : string;
outdata_reg_b : string;
power_up_uninitialized : string;
read_during_write_mode_port_a : string;
read_during_write_mode_port_b : string;
widthad_a : natural;
widthad_b : natural;
width_a : natural;
width_b : natural;
width_byteena_a : natural;
width_byteena_b : natural;
wrcontrol_wraddress_reg_b : string);
port (
wren_a : in std_logic;
clock0 : in std_logic;
wren_b : in std_logic;
clock1 : in std_logic;
byteena_a : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
byteena_b : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
address_a : in std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
address_b : in std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
rden_a : in std_logic;
q_a : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
rden_b : in std_logic;
q_b : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
data_a : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
data_b : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0));
end component;
signal clksel : string(1 to 6);
signal bwsel_int_a : std_logic_vector((g_data_width+7)/8 downto 0);
signal bwsel_int_b : std_logic_vector((g_data_width+7)/8 downto 0);
begin -- syn
-- genclksel1: if(g_dual_clock = true) generate
-- clksel <= "CLOCK1";
-- end generate genclksel1;
-- genclksel2: if(g_dual_clock = false) generate
-- clksel <= "CLOCK0";
-- end generate genclksel2;
clksel <= "CLOCK1" when g_dual_clock = true else "CLOCK0";
genbwsel1: if(g_use_bwsel = true) generate
bwsel_int_a <= bwsel_a_i;
bwsel_int_b <= bwsel_b_i;
end generate genbwsel1;
genbwsel2: if(g_use_bwsel = false) generate
bwsel_int_a <= (others => '1');
bwsel_int_b <= (others => '1');
end generate genbwsel2;
altsyncram_component : altsyncram
generic map (
address_reg_b => clksel,
byteena_reg_b => clksel,
byte_size => 8,
clock_enable_input_a => "BYPASS",
clock_enable_input_b => "BYPASS",
clock_enable_output_a => "BYPASS",
clock_enable_output_b => "BYPASS",
indata_reg_b => clksel,
intended_device_family => "Cyclone III",
lpm_type => "altsyncram",
numwords_a => g_size,
numwords_b => g_size,
operation_mode => "BIDIR_DUAL_PORT",
outdata_aclr_a => "NONE",
outdata_aclr_b => "NONE",
outdata_reg_a => "UNREGISTERED",
outdata_reg_b => "UNREGISTERED",
power_up_uninitialized => "FALSE",
read_during_write_mode_port_a => "OLD_DATA",
read_during_write_mode_port_b => "OLD_DATA",
widthad_a => g_addr_width,
widthad_b => g_addr_width,
width_a => g_data_width,
width_b => g_data_width,
width_byteena_a => (g_data_width+7)/8,
width_byteena_b => (g_data_width+7)/8,
wrcontrol_wraddress_reg_b => clksel
port map (
wren_a => wr_a_i,
clock0 => clk_a_i,
wren_b => wr_b_i,
clock1 => clk_b_i,
byteena_a => bwsel_int_a,
byteena_b => bwsel_int_b,
address_a => addr_a_i,
address_b => addr_b_i,
rden_a => rd_a_i,
rden_b => rd_b_i,
data_a => data_a_i,
data_b => data_b_i,
q_a => data_a_o,
q_b => data_b_o
end syn;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library wbgen2;
package wbgen2_pkg is
component wbgen2_dpssram
generic (
g_data_width : natural;
g_size : natural;
g_addr_width : natural;
g_dual_clock : boolean;
g_use_bwsel : boolean);
port (
clk_a_i : in std_logic_vector((g_data_width+7)/8 downto 0);
clk_b_i : in std_logic;
addr_a_i : in std_logic_vector(g_addr_width-1 downto 0);
addr_b_i : in std_logic_vector(g_addr_width-1 downto 0);
data_a_i : in std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0);
data_b_i : in std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0);
data_a_o : in std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0);
data_b_o : in std_logic_vector(g_data_width-1 downto 0);
bwsel_a_i : in std_logic_vector((g_data_width+7)/8 downto 0);
bwsel_b_i : in std_logic_vector((g_data_width+7)/8 downto 0);
rd_a_i : in std_logic;
rd_b_i : in std_logic;
wr_a_i : in std_logic;
wr_b_i : in std_logic);
end component;
end wbgen2_pkg;
-- here comes our peripheral definition
peripheral {
-- short (human-readable) name for the peripheral.
name = "GPIO Port";
-- a longer description, if you want
description = "A sample 32-bit general-purpose bidirectional I/O port, explaining how to use SLV and PASS-THROUGH registers.";
-- name of the target VHDL entity to be generated
hdl_entity = "wb_slave_gpio_port";
-- prefix for all the generated ports belonging to our peripheral
prefix = "gpio";
-- Pin direction register. Readable and writable from the bus, readable from the device.
reg {
name = "Pin direction register";
description = "A register defining the direction of the GPIO potr pins.";
prefix = "ddr";
-- a single, anonymous field (no prefix) of type SLV.
field {
name = "Pin directions";
description = "Each bit in this register defines the direction of corresponding pin of the GPIO port. 1 means the pin is an OUTPUT, 0 means the pin is an INPUT";
-- there is (deliberately) no prefix defined for this field. Since we have only one field in the register "ddr", we can omit the prefix - wbgen2 will produce signal names
-- containing only prefixes of the peripheral and the parent register.
-- type of our field - std_logic_vector
type = SLV;
-- size - we want 32-bits wide port :)
size = 32;
-- the field will be readable/writable from the Wishbone bus
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
-- .. and readable from the peripheral
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
-- Pin input state register. Readable the bus, writable from the device.
reg {
name = "Pin input state register";
description = "A register containing the current state of input pins.";
prefix = "psr";
-- a single, anonymous field (no prefix) of type SLV.
field {
name = "Pin input state";
description = "Each bit in this register reflects the state of corresponding GPIO port pin.";
-- no prefix here as well (see above)
-- type of our field - std_logic_vector
type = SLV;
-- size - we want 32-bits wide port :)
size = 32;
-- the field will be readable from the Wishbone bus
access_bus = READ_ONLY;
-- .. and writable from the peripheral
access_dev = WRITE_ONLY;
-- Port output register. Shows how to use PASS-THROUGH regs
reg {
name = "Port output register";
description = "Register containing the output pin state.";
prefix = "pdr";
-- a single, anonymous field (no prefix) of type PASS-THROUGH.
field {
name = "Port output value";
-- the description isn't really necessary here :)
-- description = "Writing '1' sets the corresponding GPIO pin to '1'";
-- type of our field - PASS_THROUGH. In this mode, the slave core is not storing the register value. Instead it provides the raw value
-- (taken from the wishbone data input) and a strobe signal, asserted for single clock cycle upon write operation to the register.
-- The wishbone data input will be fed directly to gpio_pdr_o and each write operation to this register will generate a single-cycle positive
-- pulse on gpio_pdr_wr_o signal.
size = 32;
-- access flags don't apply for the PASS-THROUGH regsiters, so we can omit them.
-- Set output register. Shows how to use PASS-THROUGH regs
reg {
name = "Set output pin register";
description = "Writing '1' sets the corresponding GPIO pin to '1'";
prefix = "sopr";
-- Our driver developer would want these two (SOPR and COPR) registers' addresses to be aligned to multiple of 4 :)
align = 4;
field {
name = "Set output pin register";
size = 32;
-- Clear output register. Designed identically as the previous reg.
reg {
name = "Clear output pin register";
description = "Writing '1' clears the corresponding GPIO pin";
prefix = "copr";
field {
name = "Clear output pin register";
size = 32;
ram {
name = "memory 1";
prefix = "mem1";
size = 256;
width = 32;
byte_select = true;
clock = "clk1_i";
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
access_dev = READ_WRITE;
ram {
name = "memory 2";
prefix = "mem2";
size = 512;
width = 16;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
-- irq {
-- prefix
-- name
-- desc
-- active
-- prio
-- };
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -2,15 +2,14 @@ ...@@ -2,15 +2,14 @@
wbgen2_version="0.3" wbgen2_version="0.3"
wbgen2_libdir="." wbgen2_libdir="/home/slayer/wbgen2_svn/wbgen2"
device_family="altera_cyclone3"; device_family="altera_cyclone3";
options = {}; options = {};
options.reset_type = "asynchronous"; options.reset_type = "asynchronous";
options.target_interconnect = "wishbone"; options.target_interconnect = "wb-classic";
options.register_data_output = false;
dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/wbgen_common.lua"); dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/wbgen_common.lua");
dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/cgen_common.lua"); dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/cgen_common.lua");
...@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/cgen_vhdl.lua"); ...@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/cgen_vhdl.lua");
dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/cgen_verilog.lua"); dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/cgen_verilog.lua");
dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/wbgen_regbank.lua"); dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/wbgen_regbank.lua");
dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/wbgen_rams.lua"); dofile(wbgen2_libdir.."/wbgen_rams.lua");
function chk_nil(p,s) function chk_nil(p,s)
if(p == nil) then if(p == nil) then
...@@ -98,14 +98,10 @@ foreach_field(calc_size); ...@@ -98,14 +98,10 @@ foreach_field(calc_size);
foreach_reg(check_max_size); foreach_reg(check_max_size);
foreach_field(calc_field_offsets); foreach_field(calc_field_offsets);
--foreach_field(function(reg, field) print
foreach_reg(calc_address_sizes); foreach_reg(calc_address_sizes);
assign_addresses(); assign_addresses();
--foreach_reg(gen_vhdl_signals); tree=gen_bus_logic_wishbone();
cgen_build_signals_ports(); cgen_build_signals_ports();
cgen_generate_hdl_init(options.output_hdl_file) cgen_generate_hdl_init(options.output_hdl_file)
#!/usr/bin/lua #!/usr/bin/lua
function gen_vhdl_ramcode(ram) function gen_code_ram(ram)
local prefix = string.lower(periph.hdl_prefix.."_"..ram.hdl_prefix); local prefix = string.lower(periph.hdl_prefix.."_"..ram.hdl_prefix);
local maps = {};
-- generate the RAM-related ports -- generate the RAM-related ports
ram.full_prefix = prefix;
ram.signals = {};
ram.ports = { port (SLV, ram.addr_bits - ram.wrap_bits, "in", prefix.."_addr_i", "Ports for RAM: " ) }; ram.ports = { port (SLV, ram.addr_bits - ram.wrap_bits, "in", prefix.."_addr_i", "Ports for RAM: " ) };
ram.reset_code_main = {};
table_join(maps, { vpm ("clk_a_i", "bus_clock");
vpm ("clk_b_i", csel(ram.clock ~= nil, ram.clock, "bus_clock"));
vpm ("addr_b_i", prefix.."_addr_i"); });
if(match(ram.access_dev, {READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE})) then if(match(ram.access_dev, {READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE})) then
table_join(ram.ports, { port(SLV, ram.width, "out", prefix.."_data_o") });
table_join(ram.ports, { port(SLV, ram.width, "out", prefix.."_data_o", "Read data output"),
port(BIT, 0, "in", prefix.."_rd_i", "Read strobe input (active high)") });
table_join(maps, { vpm ("data_b_o", prefix.."_data_o");
vpm ("rd_b_i", prefix.."_rd_i"); } );
end end
if(match(ram.access_dev, {WRITE_ONLY, READ_WRITE})) then if(match(ram.access_dev, {WRITE_ONLY, READ_WRITE})) then
table_join(ram.ports, { port(SLV, ram.width, "in", prefix.."_data_i"), table_join(ram.ports, { port(SLV, ram.width, "in", prefix.."_data_i", "Write data input"),
port(BIT, 0, "in", prefix.."_we_i") }); port(BIT, 0, "in", prefix.."_wr_i", "Write strobe (active high)") });
table_join(maps, { vpm ("data_b_i", prefix.."_data_i");
vpm ("wr_b_i", prefix.."_wr_i"); });
if(ram.byte_select == true and ram.width >= 16) then
table_join(ram.ports, { port (SLV, ram.width/8, "in", prefix.."_bwsel_i", "Byte select input (active high)") } );
table_join(maps, { vpm ("bwsel_b_i", prefix.."_bwsel_i"); } );
end end
local raminst = vhdl_new_instance();
table_join(maps, { vpm ("addr_a_i", vi("rwaddr_reg", log2up(ram.size)-1, 0)) });
end if(match(ram.access_bus, {READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE})) then
table_join(ram.signals, { signal(SLV, ram.width, prefix.."_rddata_int"),
signal(BIT, 0, prefix.."_rd_int") } );
table_join(maps, { vpm ("data_a_o", vi(prefix.."_rddata_int", ram.width-1, 0));
vpm ("rd_a_i", prefix.."_rd_int"); } );
table_join(ram.reset_code_main, { va(prefix.."_rd_int", 0); });
if(match(ram.access_bus, {WRITE_ONLY, READ_WRITE})) then
table_join(ram.signals, { signal(BIT, 0, prefix.."_wr_int") } );
function gen_vhdl_rams() table_join(maps, { vpm ("data_a_i", vi("wrdata_reg", ram.width-1, 0));
foreach_reg(function(reg) if(reg.__type == TYPE_RAM) then gen_vhdl_ramcode(reg); end end); vpm ("wr_a_i", prefix.."_wr_int"); });
\ No newline at end of file table_join(ram.reset_code_main, { va(prefix.."_wr_int", 0); });
if(ram.byte_select == true and ram.width >= 16) then
table_join(maps, { vpm ("bwsel_a_i", vi("bwsel_reg", math.floor(ram.width/8)-1, 0)); } );
-- fill in all the generic mappings
table_join(maps, { vgm ("g_data_width", ram.width);
vgm ("g_size", ram.size);
vgm ("g_addr_width", log2up(ram.size));
vgm ("g_dual_clock", csel(ram.clock ~= nil, "true", "false"));
vgm ("g_use_bwsel", csel(ram.byte_select == true, "true", "false"));
ram.extra_code = { vcomment ("RAM block instantiation for memory: ";
vinstance (prefix.."_raminst", "wbgen2_dpssram", maps ); };
...@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ function gen_hdl_code_passthrough(field, reg) ...@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ function gen_hdl_code_passthrough(field, reg)
field.write_code = { va(prefix.."_wr_o", 1); }; field.write_code = { va(prefix.."_wr_o", 1); };
field.ackgen_code_pre = { va(prefix.."_wr_o", 0); }; field.ackgen_code_pre = { va(prefix.."_wr_o", 0); };
field.ackgen_code = { va(prefix.."_wr_o", 0); }; field.ackgen_code = { va(prefix.."_wr_o", 0); };
field.extra_code = { vcomment("-- pass-through field: "" in register: "; field.extra_code = { vcomment("pass-through field: "" in register: ";
va(prefix.."_o", vir("wrdata_reg", field)); } va(prefix.."_o", vir("wrdata_reg", field)); }
else else
...@@ -637,167 +637,16 @@ function gen_hdl_code_reg_field(field, reg) ...@@ -637,167 +637,16 @@ function gen_hdl_code_reg_field(field, reg)
end end
-- generates VHDL for single register -- generates VHDL for single register
function gen_hdl_code_reg(reg) function gen_abstract_code(reg)
foreach_subfield(reg, function(field, reg) gen_hdl_code_reg_field(field, reg); end );
if(reg.__type == TYPE_RAM) then
foreach_subfield(reg, function(field, reg) gen_hdl_code_reg_field(field, reg); end );
end end
function gen_hdl_block_select_bits() function gen_hdl_block_select_bits()
return vi("rwaddr_reg", address_bus_width-1, (address_bus_width - address_bus_select_bits)); return vi("rwaddr_reg", address_bus_width-1, (address_bus_width - address_bus_select_bits));
end end
-- generates the entire VHDL register-bank access stuff
function gen_hdl_regbank()
local s;
local ramcount = 0;
-- vhdl_new_code();
if(reg.__type == TYPE_REG) then
end );
-- vhdl ("");
local resetcode={};
local ackgencode={};
local preackcode={};
foreach_field(function(field, reg)
-- print("rstcode: ", field.reset_code_main);
table_join(resetcode, field.reset_code_main);
end );
if(reg.__type == TYPE_REG) then
foreach_subfield(reg, function(field, reg)
table_join(ackgencode, field.ackgen_code);
end );
if(reg.__type == TYPE_REG) then
foreach_subfield(reg, function(field, reg)
table_join(preackcode, field.ackgen_code_pre);
end );
-- count the RAMs in the design
if(reg.__type == TYPE_RAM) then
ramcount = ramcount + 1;
local fsmcode={};
if(reg.__type == TYPE_REG) then
local acklen = find_max(reg, "acklen");
local rcode={};
local wcode={};
foreach_subfield(reg, function(field, reg) table_join(wcode, field.write_code); end );
foreach_subfield(reg, function(field, reg) table_join(rcode, field.read_code); end );
local rwcode = {
vif(vequal("wb_we_i" ,1), {
}, {
}); };
table_join(rwcode, { va("wb_ack_regbank", csel((acklen==1),1,0)); } );
table_join(rwcode, { va("ack_cntr", math.max(acklen-1, 0)); } );
table_join(rwcode, { va("ack_in_progress", 1); } );
if(regbank_address_bits > 0) then
rwcode = { vcase(reg.base, rwcode); };
table_join(fsmcode, rwcode);
end );
-- vhdl ("if ( wb_sel_i = '1' and wb_cyc_i = '1' and wb_stb_i = '1' ) then");
if(regbank_address_bits > 0) then
table_join(fsmcode, { vcasedefault({
va("ack_in_progress", 0);
va("ack_cntr", 0);
va("wb_ack_regbank", 0);
}); });
fsmcode = { vswitch(vi("rwaddr_reg", regbank_address_bits - 1, 0), fsmcode); };
fsmcode = { vif(vand(vequal("wb_cyc_i", 1), vequal("wb_stb_i", 1)), { fsmcode }, { va("wb_ack_regbank", 0) }); };
local code = {
vsyncprocess("wb_clk_i", "rst_n_i", {
vreset(0, {
va("wb_ack_regbank", 0);
va("ack_in_progress", 0);
va("ack_cntr", 0);
va("rddata_reg", 0);
vposedge ({
vif(vequal("ack_in_progress",1), {
vif(vequal("ack_cntr", 0), {
va("wb_ack_regbank", 0);
va("ack_in_progress", 0);
}, {
va("ack_cntr", vsub("ack_cntr", 1));
vif(vequal("ack_cntr", 1), {
va("wb_ack_regbank", 1);
} , {
va("wb_ack_regbank", 0);
});}, { -- else ack_in_progress = 0
va("wb_data_o", "rddata_reg");
va("wrdata_reg", "wb_data_i");
va("rwaddr_reg", "wb_addr_i");
-- vhdl_indent_right();
if(reg.extra_code ~= nil) then
table_join(code, {vcomment("extra code for reg/fifo/mem: ";});
table_join(code, reg.extra_code);
foreach_subfield(reg, function(field, reg) table_join(code, field.extra_code); end );
return code;
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