Commit d0c9a920 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

sdbfs/doc: document new sdb-read option (commit 088045d8)

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 66a1ff41
......@@ -516,7 +516,8 @@ to the use of relative addresses.
@section sdb-read
The @i{sdb-read} program can be used to access an @i{sdbfs} image
stored in a disk file. It works both as @i{ls} (to list the files
stored in a disk file or an FPGA area in physical memory.
It works both as @i{ls} (to list the files
included in the image) and as @i{cat} (to print to its own @i{stdout}
one of the files that live in the binary image).
......@@ -559,11 +560,24 @@ The following option flags are supported:
Specify the offset of the magic number in the image file.
@item -m <size>@@<addr>
@itemx -m <addr>+<size>
Either form is used to specify a memory range. This is the
preferred way to read from a memory-mapped area, like an FPGA
memory space. Please note that in general you should not
read a ``file'' in FPGA space, because this would mean read
all device registers. The form ``@t{<image-file> <filename>}''
is thus discouraged for in-memory SDB trees (i.e. where
@t{<image-file>} is @t{/dev/mem}).
@item -r
Register the device with a @i{read} method instead of the @i{data}
pointer (@ref{The Filesystem Structure}). In this way the
tool can be used to test the library with either access method.
If @i{mmap} fails on the file (e.g., it is a non-mappable device),
@i{read} is used automatically, irrespective of @t{-r}.
@end table
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