Commit a8a4ddde authored by Manohar Vanga's avatar Manohar Vanga

driver: update README for driver

Signed-off-by: 's avatarManohar Vanga <>
parent 177e3da3
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Generating Firmware
To generate a Wishbone memory map, we can use the wb_cfggen tool found
in the simulation/fw/ directory.
in the fw/ directory.
To generate a firmware file (the wishbone memory space):
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ $ ./wb_cfggen blocks.list firmware.bin
The wbone.def file specifies the devices that should be attached
to the Wishbone bus. The format for specifying devices can be seen
in the example wbone.def file at simulation/fw/wbone.def.
in the example wbone.def file at fw/wbone.def.
Installing Firmware
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