tdc/test: start coding a TDC test program in Python

It has an embedded command-line interface to interact with the library.
Signed-off-by: Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez's avatarSamuel Iglesias Gonsalvez <>
parent 9b8c9f2d
...@@ -16,5 +16,8 @@ lib: $(LIB) ...@@ -16,5 +16,8 @@ lib: $(LIB)
$(LIB): $(LOBJ) $(LIB): $(LOBJ)
ar r $@ $^ ar r $@ $^ libtdc.c
$(CC) -fPIC -shared $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
clean: clean:
rm -f $(LIB) *.o *~ rm -f $(LIB) *.o *~
#! /usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright CERN, 2012
# Author: Samuel Iglesias Gonsalvez <>
# Licence: GPL v2 or later.
# Website:
import sys
import cmd
import os, os.path
import stat
from ctypes import *
from optparse import OptionParser
lun = -1;
device = -1;
def print_header():
print ('')
print ('\t FMC TDC Testing program \t')
print ('')
print ('Author: Samuel Iglesias Gonsalvez - Igalia S.L. ')
print ('Version: 1.0')
print ('License: GPLv2 or later')
print ('Website:')
print ('')
class Cli(cmd.Cmd):
def __init__(self, arg):
self.ruler = ''
self.libtdc = arg
self.tdc = 0;
def do_version(self, arg):
"print version, license and author of the test program"
def do_open(self, arg):
"open a TDC device: open <lun>"
self.lun = arg;
self.tdc = self.libtdc.tdc_open(arg);
def do_close(self, arg):
"close an open TDC device"
if self.tdc == 0:
print "No device to close"
self.tdc = 0;
def do_current_utc(self, arg):
"show current UTC time of the board in seconds"
if (self.tdc):
val = self.libtdc.tdc_get_utc_time(self.tdc, byref(val))
print "Current utc time: " + val
print "No device open"
# -------------------------------------------
def do_EOF(self, arg):
return True
def do_quit(self, arg):
"exit cli"
return True
def do_show(self, arg):
"show current configuration of suite"
params_to_list = (
'current_utc', )
for param in params_to_list:
if param in self.__dict__:
print '%-12s' % (param + ':'),
print self.__getattribute__(param)
do_q = do_quit
do_h = cmd.Cmd.do_help
def main():
usage = ( '%prog: [options] test ...\n'
'run %prog with option -h or --help for more help' )
parser = OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option("-l", "--lib", dest="lib", type="str",
help =("Path to the shared library [default: %default]"))
parser.add_option("-v", "--version", action="store_true", dest="version")
parser.set_defaults(version=0, lib="../lib")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# validate arguments and set up Suite object
if options.version :
s = options.lib + '/'
libtdc = cdll.LoadLibrary(s);
# Start the command line interface
s = Cli(libtdc)
s.cmdloop("Execute 'help' command or 'h' for more help\nExecute 'quit' or 'q' to exit.\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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