Commit b960fd2c authored by Paolo Baesso's avatar Paolo Baesso

Expanded shutter chapter and added description in configuration section

parent f74d6f9f
...@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Not all parameters are needed; if one of the parameters is not present in the fi ...@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Not all parameters are needed; if one of the parameters is not present in the fi
\item[CLOCK\_CFG\_FILE] \verb|[string, "./../user/eudet/misc/fmctlu_clock_config.txt"]| Name of the text file used to store the configuration values of the Si5345. The file can be generate using the Clockbuilder Pro software provided by \href{}{SiLabs}. \item[CLOCK\_CFG\_FILE] \verb|[string, "./../user/eudet/misc/fmctlu_clock_config.txt"]| Name of the text file used to store the configuration values of the Si5345. The file can be generate using the Clockbuilder Pro software provided by \href{}{SiLabs}.
\end{description} \end{description}
\section{CONF file} \section{CONF file}\label{ch:configFile}
\begin{description} \begin{description}
\item[confid] \verb|[string, "0"]| Does not serve any purpose in the code but can be useful to identify configuration settings used in a specific run. EUDAQ will store this information in the run data. \item[confid] \verb|[string, "0"]| Does not serve any purpose in the code but can be useful to identify configuration settings used in a specific run. EUDAQ will store this information in the run data.
\item[verbose] \verb|[int, 0]| Defines the level of output messages from the \gls{tlu}. 0= only errors (minimum), 1= warning (default), 2= info, 3= all. \item[verbose] \verb|[int, 0]| Defines the level of output messages from the \gls{tlu}. 0= only errors (minimum), 1= warning (default), 2= info, 3= all.
...@@ -92,4 +92,10 @@ Not all parameters are needed; if one of the parameters is not present in the fi ...@@ -92,4 +92,10 @@ Not all parameters are needed; if one of the parameters is not present in the fi
\item[DUTIgnoreShutterVeto] \verb|[unsigned int, 0x1]| Set bit to 1 to tell the \gls{dut} to ignore the shutter signal. \item[DUTIgnoreShutterVeto] \verb|[unsigned int, 0x1]| Set bit to 1 to tell the \gls{dut} to ignore the shutter signal.
\item[EnableRecordData] \verb|[boolean, true]| if set to 1, enable the data recording in the \gls{tlu}. \item[EnableRecordData] \verb|[boolean, true]| if set to 1, enable the data recording in the \gls{tlu}.
\item[InternalTriggerFreq] \verb|[unsigned int, 0]| Defines the rate of the trigger generated internally by the \gls{tlu}, in Hz: if 0, the internal triggers are disabled. Any other value activates the internal trigger generator with frequency equal to the parameter. Values above 160~MHz are coerced to 160~MHz. \item[InternalTriggerFreq] \verb|[unsigned int, 0]| Defines the rate of the trigger generated internally by the \gls{tlu}, in Hz: if 0, the internal triggers are disabled. Any other value activates the internal trigger generator with frequency equal to the parameter. Values above 160~MHz are coerced to 160~MHz.
\item[EnableShutterMode] \verb|[unsigned int, 0]| If set to 1, enables the use of the shutter mode described in section~\ref{ch:shutter}. Set to 0 to disable the shutter mode.
\item[ShutterSource] \verb|[unsigned int, 0]| Defines which of the six LEMO inputs is to be used to trigger the shutter sequence. The input should not be also used as part of the trigger validation.
\item[InternalShutterInterval] \verb|[unsigned int, 0]| Determines the period, in 25~ns clock cycles, of the internal shutter trigger. This can be used for debugging purposes. Set to 0 to disable this feature.
\item[ShutterOnTime] \verb|[unsigned int, 0]| Time between start of sequence and shutter asserted (t$_{1}$ in figure~\ref{fig:shutter_timing}). The value is defined in 25~ns clock units, i.e. a value of 3 corresponds to 75~ns.
\item[ShutterVetoOffTime] \verb|[unsigned int, 0]| Time between start of sequence and veto being de-asserted (t$_{2}$ in figure~\ref{fig:shutter_timing}). The value is defined in 25~ns clock units.
\item[ShutterOffTime] \verb|[unsigned int, 0]| Time between start of sequence and time at which shutter de-asserted and veto reasserted (t$_{3}$ in figure~\ref{fig:shutter_timing}). The value is defined in 25~ns clock units.
\end{description} \end{description}
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The external signal, if used, must be connected to one of the trigger inputs (i. ...@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The external signal, if used, must be connected to one of the trigger inputs (i.
\begin{alertinfo}{If the external signal is used, an appropriate threshold should be set to the corresponding input. The input used for synchronizing the shutter should not be used in the trigger mask.} \begin{alertinfo}{If the external signal is used, an appropriate threshold should be set to the corresponding input. The input used for synchronizing the shutter should not be used in the trigger mask.}
\end{alertinfo} \end{alertinfo}
Figure~\ref{fig:shutter_timing} illustrates the timing of the shutter.\\ Figure~\ref{fig:shutter_timing} illustrates the timing of the shutter.\\
Behaviour of the shutter is controlled by the IPBus registers that can be configured using the configuration parameters described in table~\ref{tab:shutter_registers}. Behaviour of the shutter is controlled by the IPBus registers that can be configured using the configuration parameters described in table~\ref{tab:shutter_registers}. The parameters should be included in the config file described in section~\ref{ch:configFile}.
\begin{figure} \begin{figure}
\centering \centering
\includegraphics[width=.95\textwidth]{./Images/aida-tlu-sitra-shutter-timing_02.pdf} \includegraphics[width=.95\textwidth]{./Images/aida-tlu-sitra-shutter-timing_02.pdf}
...@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ Behaviour of the shutter is controlled by the IPBus registers that can be config ...@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ Behaviour of the shutter is controlled by the IPBus registers that can be config
EnableShutterMode & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}If 1, shutter mode is enabled.\\ If 0, shutter mode is disabled.\end{tabular} & & ControlRW \\ \hline EnableShutterMode & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}If 1, shutter mode is enabled.\\ If 0, shutter mode is disabled.\end{tabular} & & ControlRW \\ \hline
ShutterSource & Selects which input is used to trigger shutter sequence. & Range 0:5 & ShutterSelectRW \\ \hline ShutterSource & Selects which input is used to trigger shutter sequence. & Range 0:5 & ShutterSelectRW \\ \hline
InternalShutterInterval & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Internal shutter period when using internal sequence.\\ Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}32-bit vale.\\ Units of 25 ns clock cycles.\end{tabular} & InternalShutterPeriodRW \\ \hline InternalShutterInterval & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Internal shutter period when using internal sequence.\\ Set to 0 to not use internal shutter generator.\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}32-bit vale.\\ Units of 25 ns clock cycles.\end{tabular} & InternalShutterPeriodRW \\ \hline
ShutterOnTime & Time between start of sequence and shutter asserted (t$_{1}$) & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}32-bit vale.\\ Units of 25 ns clock cycles.\end{tabular} & ShutterOnTimeRW \\ \hline ShutterOnTime & Time between start of sequence and shutter asserted (t$_{1}$). & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}32-bit vale.\\ Units of 25 ns clock cycles.\end{tabular} & ShutterOnTimeRW \\ \hline
ShutterVetoOffTime & Time between start of sequence and veto being de-asserted (t$_{2}$) & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}32-bit vale.\\ Units of 25 ns clock cycles.\end{tabular} & ShutterVetoOffTimeRW \\ \hline ShutterVetoOffTime & Time between start of sequence and veto being de-asserted (t$_{2}$). & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}32-bit vale.\\ Units of 25 ns clock cycles.\end{tabular} & ShutterVetoOffTimeRW \\ \hline
ShutterOffTime & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Time between start of sequence and time at which\\ shutter de-asserted and veto reasserted (t$_{3}$)\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}32-bit vale.\\ Units of 25 ns clock cycles.\end{tabular} & ShutterOffTimeRW \\ \hline ShutterOffTime & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Time between start of sequence and time at which\\ shutter de-asserted and veto reasserted (t$_{3}$).\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}32-bit vale.\\ Units of 25 ns clock cycles.\end{tabular} & ShutterOffTimeRW \\ \hline
\end{tabular} \end{tabular}
\caption{Configuration parameters and corresponding IPBus registers controlling behaviour of shutter.} \caption{Configuration parameters and corresponding IPBus registers controlling behaviour of shutter.}
\label{tab:shutter_registers} \label{tab:shutter_registers}
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